Thursday, October 13, 2022

Chapter Nine : Side Effects Of Spiritual Marriage


Now, having known at least some signs of having a spiritual marriage, let us look critically into the side effects of having the spiritual marriage. The following are the side effects of spiritual marriage, 

1.It Brings Delays In Marriage.  

Spiritual marriage is one of the known causes of delayed marriages, this is so because the spirit husband or wife always hinder the victim's marital pursuit. One can be in a serious relationship, yet it might end up in disappointment. 

[ Pause to pray

1. '' Every spiritual marriage that has delayed my physical marriage , I dissolve it now , by the blood and the name of Yeshua '' repeat 7 times

2. '' Every spiritual marriage that brings disappointments into my marriage plans , break by the blood and the name of Yeshua '' repeat 7 times   

 2. It Brings Disappointments In Business

 Many think that spiritual marriage only affects one's marriage, but that is not the case with some people. Some spirit husbands are assigned to frustrate your business appointments and thereby impeding the progress thereof. Prior to the time of any business transaction, the spirit wife or husband could have sex with you either in dreams or through masturbation, and that is how the appointment would be averted. 

[ Pause to pray

1. '' Every evil spirit that has married me in order to destroy my business appointments , I divorce you now by the blood and the name of Yeshua '' repeat 7 times

2. '' Every spiritual marriage that frustrates my business , break loose in the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times  

3. It Brings Financial Loses 

If spiritual marriage can affect your business, then of course it automatically affects your finances. The spiritual wife or husband at times behaves like a spiritual prostitute, who comes and sleeps with your spirit in exchange for a financial remuneration. This means the sex was paid for in the spirit rheam with some money that is supposed to come your way. And for that matter it affects your finances in that way, this is the case with some people who have spiritual marriage.

[ Pause to pray 

1. '' Every spirit that comes to sleep with me in exchange for my money , I denounce you by the blood and the name of Yeshua '' repeat 7 times 

2. '' Every demon that gives me sex in the dream to exchange for my financial glory ,I reject you by the blood and the name of Yeshua '' repeat 7 times  

4. It May Destroy Your Marriage 

Already married person can contract a spiritual marriage, that can destroy your marriage relationship. At times the spirit husband allows you to enter into marriage after persistent prayer, only to come back after years of marriage and break down your marriage, if your prayer life becomes weak. So after marriage, one must still persist in consistent prayers to keep the marriage going. 

[ Pause to pray 

This prayer is for  married people #

1.'' Evil powers that has come to destroy my marriage via spiritual marriage , break loose and go by  the blood and the name of Yeshua '' repeat 7 times 

2. '' Anti-marital forces that has come to destroy my marriage ,through sex in dreams , break loose and go now by the blood and the name of Yeshua '' repeat 7 times  

5. It May Abort Pregnancies

 Some spiritual marriages can affect pregnancy or even cause barrenness. At times the spirit husband would come and make love to the pregnant woman in a dream afterwards the pregnancy might be destroyed. Some miscarriages in conception is caused by spiritual marriages in the life of the victim. 

[ Pause to pray 

This prayer is for women who have pregnant related issues 

1. '' Every power that sleeps with me just to destroy my pregnancy , break loose and go by the blood and the name of Yeshua . '' repeat 7 times

2.'' Every spiritual husband that brings miscarriage into my pregnancy ,I denounce you by the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times  

6. It May Give The Victim Chronic Disease 

This type of spiritual marriage gives the victim sickness in exchange for sex in the dream or masturbation. The barter trade is one of the spiritual laws that demons use against human beings. That is why spiritual marriage must be disgusting for you, especially sex in dream or masturbation. You have to vehemently oppose it by prayer. 

[ Pause to pray 

 Pause to pray 

1. '' Every demon that comes to sleep with me in dreams in order to deposit sickness into my body , I resist you by the blood and the name of Yeshua .''

2. '' Every spiritual spouse that have sex with me just to transfer chronic disease into my body , I divorce you , by the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times  

7.It May Kill One's Spouse 

Some spiritual husband or wife, could be very jealous and wicked to the extend of killing the victim's husband , wife or lover. Some demons who marry human beings in the spirit rheam could go to the far extend of killing the lover of the victim, especially when the spiritual marriage is for the purpose of power, fame or money rituals .A demon can marry someone who goes to search for ritual riches, in that case the person has mortgage his marriage for the riches. So there are some people every one they marry might die if prayer is not said to avert the situation. 

[ Pause to pray 

For the married woman 

1.'' Every spiritual husband that wants to kill my physical husband , I break your covenant by the blood and the name of Yeshua . ''

2.'' Every spiritual wife in the life of my physical husband that wants to kill me , Break loose and go by the blood and the name of Yeshua '' repeat 7 times 

This prayer is for the married man 

3.''   Every spiritual wife in my life that wants to kill my physical wife , I divorce you by the blood and the name of Yeshua '' repeat 7 times  

4. ''' Every spiritual husband in the life of my wife , that wants to kill me , break loose and go by the blood and the name of Yeshua . '' repeat 7 times .

8. It May Kill The Victim's Children 

This spiritual marriage is in fact a killer, for this type of spirit husband or wife might only decide to kill your child at infancy.

[ Pause to pray 

1.'' Every demonic spirit that wants to kill my offspring because of spiritual marriage , I dissolve that marriage by the blood and the name of Yeshua . '' repeat 7 times 

2.'' Every spirit husband or wife that kills children , You cannot kill my children , I break your covenant by the blood and the name of Yeshua '' repeat 7 times  

 9. It May Result In Giving Birth To Imbeciles 

In other times some spiritual marriages show expression by attacking the children of the victim. When that happens, the person might give birth to imbeciles, moron, a dunce, or sick children. 

[ Pause to pray

1. '' Every evil spirit that has married me , that has an assignment to make my children sick , I nullify your agenda by the  blood and the name of Yeshua '' repeat 7 times    

2. '' Every spiritual husband or wife that wants me to give birth to imbeciles , I break your covenant of marriage by the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 time

10.It May Give The Victim Infertility 

Some spiritual marriages can make the victim to be infertile. This means the spirit husband or wife already has children with the person in the rheam of the spirit. So the physical and human children that the person is supposed to have is exchanged. So barrenness or sterility becomes the person's lot, unless prayer is said to counteract it.

[ Pause to pray 

If you are yet to give birth , pray this prayer ;

1. ''  You demonic spirit that has married me in order to make me infertile , break your covenant of marriage by the blood and the name of Yeshua '' repeat 7 times 

2. '' Every spiritual husband or wife in my life , that destroys the fruit of the womb , I divorce  you by the blood and the name of Yeshua '' repeat 7 times . ]


 Some spiritual marriages could be extremely wicked, in that it can make the male victim impotent. This means the demon is so jealous to the extent it cannot share the sexual partner with anyone. 

[ Pause to pray

This prayer is for the male 

1.'' You demon of spiritual marriage that wants to make me impotent , I will break your covenant  by the blood and the name of Yeshua '' repeat 7 times 

2. '' Every spiritual wife that wants to destroy my manhood , I divorce you by the blood and the name of Yeshua '' repeat 7 times 

12. No Libido 

Other spiritual marriages can also attack the libido, so the person can loose sexual appetite. This usually happens to some married persons who have the spirit husband or wife.

[ Pause to pray 

This prayer is for married people 

1. ''  You demon of spiritual marriage that is fighting against my libido ,  break loose from my spirit by the blood and the name of Yeshua '' repeat 7 times 

2. '' Every spiritual wife or husband that has taken my sexual appetite in marriage , I divorce you by the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times  

 12. No Marriage Rites 

Some spiritual marriages may allow its victim to get and stay with a partner, but will never allow any marriage rites or bride price to be paid on their head. This means the victim could stay with a woman or a man, but will never be able to do any marriage ceremony to climax their union, although  they might have offspring. The only solution is to be careful, and pray for deliverance in the name of Jesus Christ.

[ Pause to prayer

This prayer is for those who have not done marriage ceremony before

1.'' You demon of spiritual marriage that has blocked my wedding ceremony , break by the blood and the name of Yeshua ,'' repeat 7 times

This prayer is for the Lady 

2. '' You spirit husband that is stopping my physical husband from paying the bride price on my head , I divorce you now by the blood and  the name of Yeshua '' repeat 7 times 

This prayer is for the man 

3.'' You spirit wife that is stopping me from paying the bride price of my physical wife , I divorce you now by the blood and the name of Yeshua '' repeat 7 times . '' 

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Chapter Eight: Signs of Spiritual Marriage

 Spiritual marriage is the term used in referring to a demon that marries a human in the spiritual rheam. Although it is a spiritual encounter, it brings along with it all the signs and side effects that can hinder the human progress.  How can one detect a spiritual marriage in his or her life?There are little or no signs of spiritual marriage to detect in some cases. However, there are so many side affects of spiritual marriage.

 Signs of Spiritual Marriage

 Before we  talk about the side effects of spiritual marriage, will take brief look at the few signs of spiritual marriages. The following are detector signs that will serve as a first aide for you in detecting spiritual marriage. 

 1. Sex In dreams

 Having sex in your dream can at times excite an innocent victim who thinks that he just had fan sleeping with a lover in his or her dream. This is because most at times a demon uses the face of your lover to sleep with you in the dream world, making you fancy yourself enjoying a good relationship with the partner. But that is far fetched, because the sex in dream is a spirit husband or wife who has come to barter trade for a your glory. Next time you have that dream, you should look concerned and prayerful. 

[ Pause to pray

1. '' Every spirit wife / husband that comes to have sex with me in dreams , I divorce you now through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times 

2. '' Every spirit that comes to to offer sex to me in dreams in exchange for my glorious destiny , fro today I break your covenant of marriage through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times 

2. Playing Romance In Dreams  

Playing romance with a lover you know in your dream is equally a matter of concern because it is a spiritual marriage. It must discontinue or else it could effect your life negatively in one way or the other. 

[ Pause to pray 

1. '' Every demonic lover romancing me in dreams , from today I disallow the romance through the blood and  the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times 

2. ''  I reverse any transfer of destiny through romantic dreams in the blood and the name of Yeshua . '' repeat 7 times 

3. Having Wedding In Dreams

Another dream that can also excite you for nought is the wedding ceremony taking place in your dream. You should look concerned because the demon has really endorsed you as a spiritual bride or groom. This can effect your physical plans in one way or the other. If one have dream that her fiance is actually wedding her in the   dream, it is a farce and very ironical. This means the opposite is what may happen, if prayer is not done to avert it.

[ Pause to pray 

1. '' Any spiritual wedding that was done in my dream to initiate me into a marriage covenant , I nullify it in the blood and the name of Yeshua '' repeat 7 times 

2. '' Every spiritual marriage ceremony in my dream , that was used to exchange for my real marriage ceremony , I reverse in the blood and the name of Yeshua '' repeat 7 times . ]

4. Masturbation

Masturbation is another sign that you have a spiritual marriage with a very sexy demon. This is why the demon possesses your sexual emotions and arouse your feelings to the extent you practice masturbation.

[ Pause to pray 

1. '' Every demon that possesses my sexual emotions for me to practice masturbation , I denounce in the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times 

2. '' You demon that has married me to practice masturbation I divorce you in the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times  ]

5. Prostitution

 Any prostitute is under the influence of a spirit husband, who has married her. The spirit makes her to be dutifully satisfied that she is working, by sleeping with so many men in a single night. The spirit husband could be an evil spirit in the form of dog or snake or perhaps a donkey, that never gets tired sleeping with many men.

[ Pause to pray 

If you are a female pray no. 1

1. '' Every demon that has married me in order to use me as a prostitute , I divorce you by the blood and the name of Yeshua . '' repeat 7 times

If you are a male pray no. 2

2. '' Every demon that has married me in order for me  to sleep with prostitutes I divorce you by the blood and the name of Yeshua . '' repeat 7 times ]

6. Strong Sexual Desires

 Another sign of a spiritual marriage is when the person has a strong sexual desire, whether married or not married, teenager or an adult. This type of sexual desire can make the lady to appear cheap for guys to sleep with. She rather makes sexual advances towards guys,or even  pays , entices ,or begs guys to have sex with her.

[ Pause to pray 

1. '' Every spirit that gives me excessive sexual desire , break loose and go by the blood and the name of Yeshua '' repeat 7 times 

2. '' Every demon of lust that has married me spiritually , I break your covenant of marriage by the blood and the name of Yeshua '' repeat 7 times  ]

 7. Sex Maniac

 The sex maniac is one who is never satisfied of having sex, this is due to the fact that a demon has married him or her. Such people can sleep with partners and have several rounds, yet not satisfied. They usually move from one partner to another , or sleep with two or more people in a single day. 

[ Pause to pray 

1. '' Every demon of sexual perversion, that is assigned to make me a sex maniac , break loose from my spirit by the blood and the name of Yeshua '' repeat 7 times 

2.''  Every demon that has married me to use me as a sexual pervert , I divorce you by the blood and the name of Yeshua '' repeat 7 times  ]

8. Seeing semen or fluid 

When a male sees that he ejaculates easily without sexual intercourse, even in public, because he has seen a sexy looking person, it is a sign of spiritual marriage. When a lady also discharges fluid , because she has seen a sexy guy ,it is a sign of spiritual marriage .

[ Pause to pray 

1. '' Every spiritual marriage that demands semen or fluid from me I break it by the blood and the name of Yeshua '' repeat 7 times 

2. '' Every power of lust that controls my sexual emotions break loose from me by the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times    ]

9. Addiction To Pornography

 Anyone who is unnecessary addicted to Pornography is under the influence of a spiritual marriage. The demon produces the feeling or desire to watch it , so it could sleep with you spiritually. Such people usually ejaculate while watching the blue film. That is one of the reasons some married people still watch pornographic material. 

[ Pause to pray 

1.''  Any demon that has possessed me because I ever watch pornographic material , come out and go by the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times 

2. '' Every demonic spirit that compels me to watch pornography , break loose and go by the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times   ]

10. Desire To Dress Semi-nude or Strip 

Any lady who always desires to dress semi-nude ; wearing mini-skirts, or exposing her breasts all the time has a spiritual husband. Anytime she dresses she has to make sure that some sexually sensitive part of her body is revealing to the onlookers. This is because the spirit husband wants to use her body as a public spectacle, and it is something she cannot help it, unless she is delivered. 

[ Pause to pray 

This prayer is meant for a lady to pray,

1. '' Every demonic spirit that wants me to expose my body to people , break loose and go by the blood and the name of Yeshua '' repeat 7 times

2. '' Every spirit that married me through indecent dressing , I divorce you, by the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' rep[eat 7 times   ]

11. Desire To Rape

 Those who rape are all under the influence of a spiritual marriage, the demon possesses the person and gives him or her a non-negotiable sexual appetite. Any sexual desire that does not seek the consent of the partner is rape and those who perpetuate such act are under the influence of a spirit husband or wife.

[ Pause to pray 

1.'' Any demon of rape that is attached to my my spirit , break loose and go in the name of Yeshua , '' repeat 7 times

2. '' Every spiritual marriage that wants to turn me into a rapist , break loose and go by the blood and the name of Yeshua '' repeat 7 times  ]


Another sign of spiritual marriage is being a pedophile; that is an adult figure who enjoys having sex with minors. Example ,a man in his forties or fifties who like having sex with children below teenage. Such people do so at times by fingering, fondling or kissing romantically a little girl at the age of may be seven or six years .

[ Pause to pray 

1. '' Every spirit in me that is compelling me to be sexually attracted to minors , break loose and go by the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times

2. '' Oh you pedophile spirit that has married me , break loose and go by the blood and the name of Yeshua '' repeat 7 times  ]

Friday, October 7, 2022

Chapter Seven: How People Get Spiritual Marriage

"comparing spiritual things with spiritual." 1 Corinthians 2:13 Spiritual marriage is very real, but it takes a spiritual perspective for one to know, whether or not he or she has a spiritual marriage. Spiritual marriage is a marriage between the human spirit and the demonic spirit, which only exit in the spiritual rheam. However it shows its expression in the physical life of the individual who has the spiritual marriage. This means it is something spiritual, but it has it physical side effect on the victim.

 Most spiritual marriages are contracted without the conscious consent of the victims. This means the consciousness of the person who is being married to the spirit is unaware that such a thing is in force in his or her life. However, spiritual marriages are binding covenant of marriage that ensures the spiritual consent of the victim. This means the spiritual requirements for such a demonic and unseen union must be met by both the human spirit and the evil spirit that are married. There must be certain characteristics of the human being that is a spiritual requirements for such marriage to be possible, otherwise spiritual marriage cannot hold. 

This means the spiritual marriage covenant can be broken when such requirements are no more in your life or character physically. In addition the same spirit can either serve as a spiritual husband if the victim is a female or a spiritual wife if the victim is a male. 

Characteristics Conditions That Attract Spiritual Marriages

. The following are the characteristics conditions that are a requirement for spiritual marriage to be possible. These are behaviours or conditions that warrants the spiritual marriage. They are the common things that may attract a demon to marry you, just as a lady who shows up quality behaviour attracts a husband to marry her, or the male who shows up as a responsible man wins the heart of a lady to marry him. 

 1 .Promiscuity

 Promiscuity is the practice of having sexual intercourse frequently with different persons. To be promiscuous means to make love to diverse people examples include womanizing, and prostitution. Promiscuity is one of the characters that if a person exhibit, may attract a spiritual marriage. This means it is a spiritual requirements for a demon to marry a human being with such conduct .

.2. Masturbation 

Masturbation, or self-pleasuring ,is touching and rubbing parts of your body for sexual pleasure, such as the penis, scrotum, clitoris, vulva, breasts etc. Many people indulge in this act for sexual stimulation, so they can arouse their sexual feelings and discharge. But little do they know the spiritual implications of masturbation.

 Most at times a spirit wife or husband can be assigned over your spirit to make a covenant of spiritual marriage with you. When you have sexual arousal without human beings, it could be with a demon, and that is where the spiritual marriage covenant is initiated and also renewed. This is one of the reasons some people keep on practicing masturbation even though they are married and having sex with their partners. They found out that the sex with the partner is not enough to satisfy their sexual edge.

 3. Watching Pornography 

Watching Pornography as a single  or married person all the time could be another source of spiritual marriage. When you watch some people making love all the time, it has a spiritual implication. The demons of sexual perversion could marry you and give you a strong desire to have sex with any one available. This spirit husband or wife might visit you and you might start practicing masturbation living or in fornication. At times too after watching this pornographic material, the spirit wife or husband may come to your dream and make love with you. A spirit can easily be sleeping with you at the same time that you are watching the blue film. This can result in you discharge semen or fluid while you are watch the video. 


Prostitution is one of the things that attracts spiritual marriage. In the first place a lady who engages in the business of prostitution is already married to a spiritual husband, hence the prostitution. Therefore, every prostitute is under the influence of a spirit husband. This spirit husband then possesses her body and uses her body to sleep with many men even in a single night and the lady never feels tired. Once a prostitute confessed that as she could sleep with at least twenty men in a single night. Come to think of it, is she a machine? ,even a machine would break down under such circumstance, when so many people are using it.

 So you see the reason why a real prostitute has no problem sleeping with such number of people in single  night. Because of the spiritual marriage that has empowered her body to with stand strenuous sexual act. A prostitute can be married to a dog spirit or donkey spirit in the rheam of the spirit. So during sexual intercourse with a client, the demon will be initiating a covenant with the person, thereby marrying the person spiritually.This means those who patronize prostitutes are also liable of contracting spiritual marriage. That is to say a demon enters the person from the prostitute and it becomes a spiritual wife to him. 

5. Family Covenant

 Family Covenant is also one the of the well known ways by which spiritual marriages can be established in the life of the family members. A covenant is usually a binding agreement between two entities, in which terms and conditions apply. So we have spiritual covenant and demonic covenant, which is a an agreement between a spirit and a human being. A family covenant with a spirit might attract a spiritual marriage into the lives of the family members, who are under the influence of the covenant. 

This family covenants are mostly initiated by an ancestors or grandparents in one way or the other. At times they might enter into a demonic covenant with a deity or spirit for some form of spiritual assistance. By so doing these evil spirits would give any spiritual assistance, but definitely not for nought . This means nothing goes for nothing in the rheam of the spirit, example wealth can be given in exchange for marriage. Hence, the spiritual marriage would be introduced into the family in exchange for the particular assistance. This means everybody born into that family is liable of having the spirit as a spirit husband or wife. The only exception to the rule is when the person becomes born-again in Christ Jesus. 

6. Sleeping With A demonic person 

At times people are initiated into a spiritual marriage by sleeping with a demonic person. A demonic person is a spiritual is who has fortified himself or herself for Satanic powers to operate through him or her. Examples of demonic persons are some fetish people, occultist person who sacrifice animal or human blood for more powers, those who sleep in ritual coffins overnight for powers. Those who can sleep with corpse for ritual purpose, those who sleep with mad women for evil purposes etc.

 These kind of people are demonised in their body, having been possessed with diverse demons, who fortify themselves with more powers. So whenever you sleep with such people you can get a spirit husband or wife to marry you spiritually. Many at times some women who visit spiritualist, could be told that they have to sleep with them for their problem to be solved. So these women could be victimized to have the spiritual marriage after sleeping with such ritualist.

 7. Performing Rituals,

One of the things that endorses spiritual marriage is performing rituals. Performing rituals like, pouring libation, sacrificing animals to deities, putting ritual marks on people, bathing in rivers by a spiritualist for ritual purposes etc. This rituals can introduce a person to marry the evil spirits of Satan. Many rituals that people perform invite demons to settle down with people. 

8. Child Dedication 

Child dedication can also endorse spiritual marriage, especially if it is done by a demonic person. Some people dedicate children by calling gods and goddess of the land, invoking what they believe to be blessings from the gods, but it might be a curse in disguise. At the end the child would be married to the demon for the rest of his or her life. Be careful who dedicates your child, because if the person is not a good person, evil spirits can use that dedication as an occasion to marry the child spiritually.

 9. Eating Demonic Food

 Eating a demonized food can also introduce a spiritual husband or wife into your life. The food might created a covenant of marriage, that will be a channel for a demon to be attached to you spiritually. Usually divination or enchantments are said on the food, before they are served to the victim. 

10. Covenanted Girl/Boy Friend Relationship 

There are at times when two love birds decides to enter into a covenant to keep their relationship intact. Some do such covenants with blood exchange and vows, that they will forever stay in love. The covenant would be sealed with their own blood, which they may lick each others blood, after pinching themselves with sharp weapons like blade or pin. Some of these covenants are usually done by young adults who are even not ready to marry yet. For all you know this covenant, has invited a demon into their relationship, because of the blood that was used. And such things can create a spiritual marriage even long after they have grown and probably getting married to different partners.   And the covenant can be hunting their marital life even after years of living apart.

[ Pause to pray 

1. '' Every demon that want me to be sleeping with many people , through lustful attack , break loose in the name of Yeshua '' repeat 7 times

2. '' Every spirit husband or wife that married me , through sex with different people , I divorce you through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times 

3. '' Every evil spirit that entered me through watching pornography , come out and go away from me in the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times 

4. '' Every spirit that ever created a covenant with me through a prostitute ,  I break that covenant through the blood and the name of Yeshua . '' repeat 7 times 

5.'' Every family covenant that brought spiritual marriage into my life , break through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times 

6.  '' Every demon that has married me because I slept with a demonic person , I command it to come out through the blood and the name of Yeshua '' repeat 7 times

7. '' Any ritual that is performed to initiate a spiritual marriage into my life I nullify the effect through the blood and the name of Yeshua '' repeat 7 times 

8. '' Every spirit that married my spirit on the day of my naming ceremony or child dedication , I divorce you through the blood and the name of Yeshua ''

9. '' Any food that I ever ate , that was used to initiate my spirit into a spiritual marriage , I disallow that marriage through the blood and the name of Yeshua ''repeat 7 times

10.  '' Every evil covenant between me and my ex- [ boy or girl ] friend that has created spiritual marriage , let that covenant break in the name of Yeshua . '' repeat 7 times 

Thursday, October 6, 2022

Chapter Six: Mediums Through Which Demonic Sickness Is Given


 A  demonic sickness is what is given to a person through a spiritual medium. There are so many ways and means by which spiritual sickness are given  to people, these are also the mediums through which the disease is transmitted to the victim. The following are a number of ways in which sicknesses are spread to other people.

1.Food and Drink

 Food and drinks have always been one of the mediums that evil sickness are given to people. The witches or an evil person can put an evil spirit causing disease in to the food that is served to the victim. This evil deposit in the food will cause pain or symptoms to the victim after he or she has eaten the food. It may not be a physical substance, because most at times it is a spiritual force. At times the sickness comes when the person eats the very food again, even though it come from different source. That is one of the reasons Doctors can stop a person from eating certain food. That is why is very necessary to pray over food before you eat it. 


Dreams are one of the surest way the evil people can give a demonic sickness to a person. This occurs when the victim is attacked in the dream. For instance a lady had a dream that someone shot her chest and the bullet entered into her heart.  Although it was a dream, yet when she wake up, she started feeling pains in her heart, and when it prolonged, she took an X-ray in which it was discovered that she had a bullet in her heart. So you see the dream has brought physical pain to her heart. Some sickness are given to people in dreams through eating in the dream. So most of the dreams of eating or weapon attacking or animal like snake biting you in dreams can result in sickness, if prayer is not said to avert it. 

3. Spiritual Weapons

 Spiritual Weapons can hit a person, and it may result in sickness on the very spot you felt something hit. At times spiritual arrows or weapons can be thrown your way, for the purpose of bringing sickness into your life. A person can also step on charms, juju emulet, or demonic substance and feel sick thereby .Usually such could be leg pains or stroke. Usually such attacks are used on you to claim your territory such as a working place, a land or an office. The demonic person contending with you can put such demonic substance there. 

4.Gifts Items

 Gift items given to a person can be used as a demonic transmitter to convey diseases to the recipient. At times as soon as the target person touches the gift the sickness could be transferred into the body, and the symptoms will begin. Mostly some of the items can only be used against the victim when the person uses it on his or her body.

5.Demonic Accident 

A demon can cause accident to happen that is meant to give the target sickness for the rest of his or her life. Such accidents could either be vehicular accidents or any form of accident, such as slipping to fall, hitting your foot on something accidentally and the foot swells. Some car accidents can render a person impotent for live, or lame for the rest of his life. Demonic accidents are also designed to give sickness that can incapacitate the victim to the end their health will be affected.

6.Blood Sucking

 There is a spiritual element that could be referred to as blood Sucking; this is when the blood of the victim is being used for demonic purposes. What happens physically is that the victim will suffer blood lose, even a doctor's diagnosis will at test to it. The symptoms may include, loosing weight even though one is not sick, dizziness feeling and becoming anemic.

 7. Sickness Transfer

  A person can also get a demonic sickness when, it is transferred from a sick person to the victim, through satanic means. Resulting in the sick getting well, while the sickness recipient becomes sick. This is a spiritual issue, it would take a spiritual revelation for someone to see this dark activity. 

8. Money Ritual Exchange 

There could be an exchange; this is when a person is given wealth for the exchange of his health. This means the sick person has wealth, but the particular sickness is part of his or her life. In that case no medical treatment can help salvage the situation in the person's body, although he or she seeks help from medical expects. At times the sick person might not be the recipient of the wealth, but another person ( usually a family member ) is made wealthy at the expense of the victims sickness. This is another form of money ritual that is done for most occultic people to retain their wealth. 

9. Demonic Power Purchase

Some sicknesses are given to some individuals in the demonic kingdom in order for them to retain a demonic power or rank In the rheam of the spirit. For instance a powerful witch can use her health for the purchase of the evil power. Thus, she becomes infirmed with the malady physically, while spiritually she holds the devilish position. The sickness can take the form of chronic diseases like, epilepsy, asthma, or even blindness.

 10. Ancestral Inheritance

 Some sickness come to people as a form of family demonic inheritance; this means there is a bloodline covenant that revisits the succeeding generation of the family with the illness. In that case it becomes a family disease, starting from the Ancestors ( forefathers ) of the victim. And every family member is liable of contacting the disease in their set time, One example of such disease is Asthma

. 11. Sinful Diseases 

The last but not the least, is the sickness that comes to people because of their sins. According to the Bible some sins are given to people as a punishment or chastisement of the sins. The following portion of scriptures attest to this fact; "And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him." James 5:15 "But that ye may know that the Son of man hath power upon earth to forgive sins,( he said unto the sick of the palsy, ) I say unto thee, Arise, and take up thy couch, and go into thine house." Luke 5:24

 In each of the above scriptures, we see Jesus dealing with demonic diseases by forgiven their sins first, then the healing automatically follows, as he prays for them. So you see there are some sinful habits that can bring sickness into your life. Some sins like, adultery; sleeping with somebody's wife, stealing or murder, rape, just to name a few can make you susceptible to contract demonic sickness.

 Having understood how demonic sickness are given to people, the only best solution is for you to give your life to Jesus  and pray that he will heal you from demonic disease by his stripes. " Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed. " 1 Peter 2:24 

[ Pause To Pray 

1. '' Every evil food that I have ever eaten , that the enemy has used to deposit evil disease in my body , let the Holy Ghost fire consume it in the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times

2.'' Every evil disease that the enemy has given to me through dreams , let it go back to sender in the name of Yeshua . '' repeat 7 times

3. '' Every spiritual weapon that the forces of darkness have thrown my way to bring sickness, oh Lord my God let that weapon be destroyed in the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times

4. '' Every sickness in my body that was transferred to me from a sick person , I command it to go back to sender in the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times 

5. '' Any evil gift that was given to me to introduce sickness into my life , let the fire of God consume that gift item and the sickness thereof , in the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times

6. '' Any evil disease in my body that somebody is using as a money ritual , let the blood of Yeshua revoke the ritual in the name of Yeshua '' repeat 7 times .

7. '' Any evil disease in my blood system , that was inherited from my ancestors ,let the blood of Yeshua wash it away from my bloodline in the name of Yeshua . '' repeat 7 times

8. Every sickness that has come into my body ,because of my sins , oh Lord forgive me and take away the evil disease from my life , through the blood and the name of Yeshua .''  repeat 7 times

 9. '' Any accident that the enemy wants to use to give me evil disease , I disallow in the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times  

10. Every demon sucking my blood in the rheam of the spirit to give me sickness , I receive blood transfusion from the blood of Yeshua, Let every sickness be annihilated in the name of Yeshua . '' repeat 7 times ]  

Chapter five: Demonic Sicknesses And How People Get Them


Sickness is a feeling or display of symptoms in the human body, this could because by viruses or germs in the physical world. However, there are also spiritual diseases that are caused by evil spirits, which attack the body. These type of diseases are called demonic sickness, in that they are spearheaded by evil spirits.

 The following are Characteristics Of Evil Diseases: 

1.The Chronic disease,

 The Chronic disease is the one that usually becomes the habitual sickness of the victim. This means the disease is stuck to the person as long as he or she lives. People with this type of demonic sickness are always on constant medication, just to relief  the pain or suppress the symptoms. This means that the medicine can never alleviate the illness in any way possible. 

 2. On And off 

The sickness that is on and off, means that it comes and goes, it is like a seasonal disease, which shows up in the body at particular times. At times it goes only after treatment with medication. Example Sickle Cell Anaemia or asthma. 

3.Defies Medical Treatment

 Another form of demonic sickness is the one that defies all medical treatment, the diagnosis might show a common disease, due to the common symptoms akin to a particular illness. Yet if the patient is given the very drugs used to cure that disease, it might prove abortive. 

4. Comes At Night 

 Some demonic sickness usually comes in the night, during the hours of 12 am to 4am the attack can be so severe. This is because the demons in charge of that sickness are at work in such times. This is especially true when it is the witchcraft spirit that is behind the attack. Some demonic diseases come at night to distract your sleep and cause pain.

 5. It Comes In the Midst of Crowd

Some demonic sickness are always designed to show up in the midst of crowd of people. This is usually the one that is designed to disgrace the victim of the disease. Examples of such demonic sickness that come in the crowd are epilepsy,or madness. These are disease that are given to the patients so they could be disgraced in public.

 6. It Comes When You Have Money 

Some evil diseases are also designed to come when you get money. This is the money-waster illness, in that it comes to make you spend money on medical treatment. When the amount of money is finished on you, then it goes. So that the money that could be used to do something worthy is squandered on medical bills. 

7.It Comes During Exams 

Some demonic sickness are meant to distract the education of the students who are intelligent. In that it comes during the time of examinations, so that the victim cannot be able to write the examinations. This type of sickness is designed by the witches to destroy the academic carrier of the person. 

8.It comes To Disrupt Appointments 

Some sickness also are designed to disrupt your job, business, financial or even marital appointments. This means it comes when you have such type of appointments to meet up. The purpose of such ailment is to destroy that job, business, finance or marriage appointment (eg wedding ). So it goes away when the event is over and the illness has exhausted all the victim's resources like time, energy, or money resulting in disappointment and failure. There are some physical diseases that are usually demonic, examples include, epilepsy, madness, stroke, impotence,issues of blood, dunce etc 

In the bible we see Jesus dealing with demonic deseases by casting out the demon and thereby restoring health to the individual. 

 Matthew 8:16 "[16] When the even was come, they brought unto him many that were possessed with devils: and he cast out the spirits with his word, and healed all that were sick:" 

[ Pause to pray 

1. '' Every demonic sickness that the enemy want to use to disgrace me in the midst of people , I return it back to sender in the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times .

2. ''  Every demonic sickness that the enemy wants to use to frustrate my appointment in live , let the fire of God consume it in the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times

3. '' Every evil disease that the enemy wants to use to waste my money , I receive divine healing in the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times

4. '' any evil disease that the enemy has designed to attack me at night , I command it to return back to sender in the name of Yeshua '' repeat 7 times 

5.'' Every demon that causes chronic disease , get out of my life in the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Chapter Four: Different Ways Destinies Are Transferred

The victim is usually covenanted for destiny transfer by a witch or any spiritualist, this covenant means a binding agreement usually consented in the spiritual rheam. There are many ways in which a covenant of destiny transfer occurs, usually without the consent of the victims. The following are the different ways in which destiny transfer can be covenanted, before it is done.


 Food has always been one of the  means that Satan operates to get to the innocent victims, when people eat a food that is demonized for the purpose of destiny transfer. We see a typical example in the bible when Esau sold out his birthright for a square of meal. The following scripture outlines how Esau sold his birthright, and lost the blessings of a first born that he should have received from his father. 

"[30] And Esau said to Jacob, Feed me, I pray thee, with that same red pottage ;  for I am faint: therefore wash is name called Edom .

 [31]And Jacob said, Sell me this day thy birthright.

[32]And Esau said, Behold, I am at the point to die: and what profit shall this birth right do to me?[33]And Jacob said, Swear to me this day; and he sware unto him: and he sold his birthright unto Jacob.[34] Then Jacob gave Esau bread and pottage of  lentiles; and he did eat and drink,and rose up,  and went  his way :thus Esau despised his birthright." Genesis 25:30-34 

In the  demonic  world the transfer of star  (destiny) through food depends  on the spiritual  invocations {spell } that is done on the food by the spiritualist ( a witch, a fetish priest, occultist, voodoo, juju ), before giving it to the victim. After the victim eat the food, the medium of transfer is created, thus, the food becomes like a legal tender ( currency ) that is used to purchase the destiny or the glory of the person. So it is like a barter trade, where food is used in exchanged for the person's destiny or star.

{ Pause To Pray

1. '' Every evil food that I have eaten , that they used to transfer my destiny , I demand a reversal in the name of Yeshua .'' Repeat 7 times 

2. '' Every evil spell that the enemy cast on me through food , to transfer my destiny , I turn it into blessing in the name of Yeshua .'' Repeat 7 times }


 Gifts of all kinds can be given to a person in exchange of his or her glorious destiny to another person. When a person gives you a gift that evil divination or enchantments are done on it for the purpose of transferring your destiny, you will end up loosing your destiny to the person. The gifts can be anything ranging from money to dresses, or anything that can be used as a present.

[ Pause to pray

1.'' Every evil gift or money , that somebody gave me as a medium to transfer my destiny , I demand a reversal through the blood of Yeshua '' repeat 7 times 

2. ' '' Every evil gift or money that somebody has given me in order to exchange for my glory , I repay with the blood of Yeshua '' repeat 7 times ]

 Witchcraft power 

This is also power trade, when a person can trade his or her glory, reputation, riches, marriage, or even health for the purpose of acquiring more satanic powers especially witchcraft. This means the person can be sick physically, if he or she use his or her health for the transfer of power in the witchcraft kingdom. Yet in the rheam of the spirit, he or she could be a very powerful and destructive witch.

{ Pause to pray 

1. '' Every witchcraft power that the enemy wants to give me , in exchange for my destiny and glory , I denounce and reject in the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times 

2. '' Whoever is planning to give me witchcraft against my will , let the fire of God drive them far away from me in the name of Yeshua '' repeat 7 times ]


A person can shake your hand and instantly take some glory from you or transfer something bad into your spirit system.This is possible when the person has charms on them for the purpose of transferring people's destinies. Some of these charms includes occultist ring, handkerchiefs, or a demonic cream the person might rob on the palm before the handshake. Some of the transfer that can be done through handshakes are sickness, riches etc.


1. '' Everyone that shake my hand in order to transfer my glory or destiny for himself or herself , I demand a reversal through the blood of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times 

2. '' Every evil hand that has shaken my hand to deposit evil, sickness or curse into my destiny I turn it into blessing in the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times

 Money Ritual,

 Those who perform money rituals often use the transfer of two or more people's riches and give it to one person, thereby making the person so wealthy overnight. The money rituals many perform may take many forms, including killing virgin girls, pregnant women, using the foetus ( unborn baby) ,to convert the glory of some people unto themselves.

[ Pause to pray 

1. '' Anyone that has performed money ritual with the star of my my riches , I disanull in the name of Yeshua '' repeat 7 times 

2. '' Any ritual that was performed in the past to transfer my wealth to another person , I demand a reversal in the name of  Yeshau .'' repeat 7 times ]

 Sexual Perversion,

Having sexual intercourse with a demonic person can also transfer one's destiny to that person or anyone who sleeps with that person afterwards ( especially common with prostitutes). This however depends on the particular ritual demands, some may take semen (of the man ) or fluid ( of the woman ) from their victim for the purpose of destiny transfer. The demonic person can use a tissue paper or handkerchief to wipe out the semen or fluid for their purpose of destiny transfer. Taking alms There are some ritualist who take alms as if they were beggar or hire someone to go and beg for alms for the purpose of transferring people's financial destiny for them.

 Sometimes the alms can also be used to transfer the blood of the giver to the occultic people, where they can easily kill. Thus, the money they begged for is used as a spiritual medium to connect to the soul or spirit of the giver and thereby destroying the person there with. 

{ Pause to pray 

1. '' Any sexual intercourse that I had with someone that , the enemy has used to transfer my destiny and glory , I undo the exchange through the blood of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times 

2. '' Anyone that has taken my semen or fluid from me through sex, in exchange for my glory or destiny , I disallow through the blood of Yeshua '' repeat 7 times  

3.'' Any money that I have ever given to a begger as alms , that the enemy has used as a means to take away my glory and destiny I demand a reversal through the blood of Yeshua .''

Idol Worship, 

Some families serve idols that have transferred the destiny of the family members in exchange for protection or any form of spiritual provision. In this way almost everybody in the family will have to forfeit their glorious destiny either in marriage, wealth, health or even long life.

[ Pause to pray 

1.'' Every family idol that is used in exchange for my glory , I disallow in the name in Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times 

2. '' Any idol worship in my family that has transferred my destiny in any way ,I break your covenant with the blood of Yeshua and I take back my glory in the name of Yeshua .''  repeat 7 times 

 Ancestral Inheritance, 

Some transfer of destiny were done in the past through the victim's forefathers. This means the victim great grand parents might have done a destiny transfer of a sort, which also entails the entire succeeding generation of their bloodline.

 Such transfers can also be Ancestral curse in the family that deprives the family members of some particular destiny right such as good marriage, fame, fortune or wealth. 

[ Pause to read ,

1.'' Any destiny transfer  that was done through my ancestors to affect my wealth, marriage , or fortune I reverse through the blood of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times

2. '' Any family curse operating against me through my ancestors I renounce that curse and  turn it into blessing in the name of Yeshua ,'' repeat 7 times ]

 Spiritual Marriages,

 Spiritual Marriages have also being used as a source of many destiny transfers. A demon can give a person sex in the spiritual rheam  ( through dreams or masturbation ) in exchange for his or her God given destiny. At times when something good is coming on the victims way, he or she would dream of having sex, and afterwards the good thing will be aborted spiritually. What happens physically is usually disappointments of all the good appointments that were ahead of that person at that point in time. While most spiritual marriage transfer marital destiny, others may transfer business glory ( business loses ) or health (resulting in sickness ) or monetary glory. 

[ pause to pray

1. '' Any spirit that sleeps with me in dreams or through masturbation in exchange for my destiny and glory I divorce you  and break your covenant in the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times

2. '' Anyone that comes to sleep with me in dreams in order to take my glorious destiny from me , I stop you with the blood of Yeshua  ''  repeat 7 times ] 

Hair do, 

Some hair stylish are demonic people,when they do your hair they can easily transfer your destiny to themselves. At times is not the stylish that is demonic, but if you use demonized hair attachments, it can also transfer your destiny especially in marriage. In conclusion, we need to be prayerful at times, and careful with our dealings with people. Stop doing things that can easily transfer your destiny to another soul. After reading this, if you feel that your destiny has been transferred, then use the following scriptures to pray. 

Proverbs 6:31 "[31]But if he be found, he shall restore seven fold; he shall give all the substance of his house."  Exodus 22:4 "[4]If the theft be certainly found in his hand alive, whether it be ox, or ass, or sheep; he shall restore double. " Isaiah 57:18 "[18] I have seen his ways, and will heal him: I will lead him also, and restore comforts unto him and to his mourners." Joel 2:25-26 "[25]And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the canker worm, and the caterpillar, and the palmer worm, my great army which I sent among you.[26] And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the LORD your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my people shall never be ashamed."

[ Pause to pray

1.'' Any  hair dresser  or barber that did something with my hair in order to exchange for my glorious destiny , I disallow it through the blood and  the name of Yeshua '' repeat  7 times 

2. '' Any hair attachment that was used to transfer my glorious destiny , I demand a reversal through the blood and  the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times ]

Saturday, October 1, 2022

Chapter Three: How Witches And Spiritualist Transfer Destinies Of People

 The satanic activities that are perpetuated by witches, mediums, occultist, fetish priest and the like, in the live of human beings in the area of destiny transfer is quite alarming. The devil's agents of darkness usually targets a soul, that they have been contracted to destroy. One of the various ways they destroy a person's life is a transfer of one's destiny for their own advantage. 

When we say destiny, it is the glorious life that God has ordained for one to live. Destinies may take different forms such as being a successful doctor, lawyer, businessman woman, a CEO, Politician, manager, banker, company owner or director etc. Destiny can also be defined as the events that will necessarily happen to a particular person in the future. 

It also means a hidden power believed to be controlling future events, what should happen and how it happened. Destiny transfer is the art of transferring what should be another person's glory or virtue to a different person through spiritual and demonic means. This means that any good thing or virtue that should come to the victim would automatically go to the person that the destiny was transferred to.

 A highly demonic person can perform rituals to transfer the destiny of two or more people to another person, so that the person can accrue wealth or riches that are meant for two or more people. In this way the victims may become so poor, while the beneficiary becomes extremely wealthy.This kind of destiny transfer is called wealth transfer. When one's riches are transferred to someone else. There are types of destiny transfer, the following are the different forms of destiny transfer.


'' Any form of satanic ritual that was performed to transfer the glory of my destiny to another person  , I disanull in the name of Yeshua .'' Repeat 7 times 

2.'' Oh you star of my glory that was taken from me to another person  I command you to come back to me in he name of Yeshua .'' Repeat 7 times   

 Different Types of Destiny Transfer 

1.Wealth transfer This is when the riches of the victim are transferred to another person and the recipient becomes extremely wealthy whiles the victim becomes poor .

 2.Long life transfer

 This is when an aged person is about to die and they transfer the death unto a young person in the family or outside the family. This means the younger person rather dies while the older person who is supposed to die lives on.

 3.Marriage transfer 

This is when one's marital destiny is transferred unto another person. So the recipient will be the one to get married instead. While the victim suffers marital disappointments for the rest of his or her life.

4. Position transfer 

This is when one's position in the working place is transferred unto another person, especially when a junior staff will be the recipient of the senior staff's position (glory) at work. 

5. Sickness transfer   

This is when the sickness of someone is transferred unto another person through a demonic means, the recipient becomes sick and the other person recovers from his or her disease. A lady once gave alms to a cripple on the wayside, and instantly the lady became crippled, whiles the crippled instantly stood up and recovered from his impairment. 

6.Customers Transfer

 This is when one's customers who use to patronize his or her shop are converted to another shop nearby through a demonic means. Usually the recipient shop is a new shop just opened, looking for customers, so when the transfer occurs the victim's shop will loose all the customers to the recipient. 


1. Any ritual that has been performed to transfer my wealth to another person . I demand a reversal in the name of Yeshua   '' Repeat 7 times 

2. ''Whoever is operating with the star of my wealth and riches , I take it back in the name of Yeshua . '' Repeat 7 times

3. ''Any spiritual transaction to transfer someone's death for me , I destroy the death transfer in the name of Yeshua '' Repeat 7 times

4. '' Any premature death that is not my death I refuse to die in the name of Yeshua .'' Repeat 7 times 

5.''  You demon from hell that is assigned to kill me before my time, I command you to return to your sender in the name of Yeshua .'' Repeat 7 times 

6. Everywhere my marriage was transferred to , I demand  a reversal in the name of Yeshua .'' 7 times 

7.  Any level or position that belongs to me ,but they have given it to somebody  else , I take it back in the name of Yeshua . '' repeat 7 times

8.'' Any evil sickness that the enemy has transferred into my body, I command that sickness to return to sender in the name of Yeshua . '' repeat 7 times 

9. '' Oh Lord my God bring back all my customers that has been transferred  into another place , in the name of Yeshua , ''repeat 7 times

10. '' Any ritual that was performed to transfer my customers to another person , I disanull with the blood of Yeshua '' repeat 7 times