Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Chapter Fifteen: The Pillars of Money part One


Chapter Fifteen: The Pillars of Money part One

Money is a key to purchasing every thing that every human being needs to survive. However, there are a lot of misconceptions about money that we need to clarify here. 

Many think that money only comes when people perform rituals, well that is only true for some people who believe in that. While others think that you can only get money by doing evil things like cheating, killing, lying, taking bribe, or doing drugs and the like. But this is far fetched, all these can only be the mannerism of those who believe in that dubious means. 

However, there are four strong financial pillars that can help establish our finances. These pillars include, earning money, saving money, giving money, and avoiding credits. Let us explore the possibility of financial sustenance through the four pillars.

 Earning Money, 

Money is something that God wants us to earn, it is important because when ever a person earns the money he or she has it is a prestigious honour, in that it show show responsible that person is. Earning money means, there are somethings a person does that accrues a pay, reward, honorarium, wages, or salary. This thing could either be, providing goods or rendering services to people, and then the person gets paid for that.

 What that means is that you are not just earning money, but you also become relevant in the eyes of those who benefit from your goods and services.  One of the ways of earning money is to earn it little by little, one day at a time. So just make sure  you are at least doing something that makes you earn a little money at a time. Do not be like those who want to earn big money at one time, otherwise you will become a dupe, crook, fraud or end up doing drug business to achieve that. 

On the one hand you will never earn anything at all, because you might not have the opportunity of making money that big at once or at a start. Making money should not bed one at once, true riches are gathered gradually, like little drops of water that turns out to be a mighty ocean. The word of God even affirms that, God's way of giving us wealth is by gathering little by little and it increases to become what the Lord has ordained. "Wealth gotten by vanity shall be diminished: but he that gathereth by labour shall increase." Proverbs 13:11 "Let him that stole steal no more: but rather let him labour, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth. " Ephesians 4:28 

 Saving Money

 Having understood that God's way of giving us money is earning it little by little, the next thing to know is gathering the money little by little, which is known in practical terms as savings. Savings and investment is one of the ways of handling money that sustains it. In fact saving is a strong pillar of money that is known and even confirmed by the doctrine of Christ about money in the Holy Bible. "Well then, you should have put my money on deposit with the bankers, so that when I returned I would have received it back with interest. "Matthew 25 : 27 

Any savings that yield interest is an investment, and Jesus used the parable to illustrate the fact that it is good to keep money at bank. More so when the money is invested wisely in buying shares or treasury bills in the financial institutions. When that happens, the money is also assigned to work for you as well. 

There are two levels of earning money,  the first level is working for the money, and the second level is when the money is made to work for you. This can only happen in savings and investment, such as fixed deposit, shares or treasury bills. It is always important that you save little money at a time, don't wait for the money to be much before you save some. Whenever you have money the first thought of course is to spend it on your needs, yes as much as that is necessary, you should always remember that saving a little is equally imperative.

[ Pause to pray 

1.'' Oh Lord my God build  financial pillars for me , through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times 

2. '' Every power that does not want me to earn money break loose from my life by the blood and the name of  Yeshua '' repeat 7 times 

3. '' Oh you demon of labouring in vain without earning money , come out of my life and go by the blood and the name of Yeshua .''  repeat 7 times .

4. '' Oh Lord my God give me the grace to work and earn money by the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times 

5. '' Every evil force that is sitting on my earnings , no matter how I work , break loose and go by the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times 

6.'' Every prodigal spirit that waste the money that I have to save , break loose and go , by the blood and the name of  Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times .   ]

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