Thursday, October 13, 2022

Chapter Nine : Side Effects Of Spiritual Marriage


Now, having known at least some signs of having a spiritual marriage, let us look critically into the side effects of having the spiritual marriage. The following are the side effects of spiritual marriage, 

1.It Brings Delays In Marriage.  

Spiritual marriage is one of the known causes of delayed marriages, this is so because the spirit husband or wife always hinder the victim's marital pursuit. One can be in a serious relationship, yet it might end up in disappointment. 

[ Pause to pray

1. '' Every spiritual marriage that has delayed my physical marriage , I dissolve it now , by the blood and the name of Yeshua '' repeat 7 times

2. '' Every spiritual marriage that brings disappointments into my marriage plans , break by the blood and the name of Yeshua '' repeat 7 times   

 2. It Brings Disappointments In Business

 Many think that spiritual marriage only affects one's marriage, but that is not the case with some people. Some spirit husbands are assigned to frustrate your business appointments and thereby impeding the progress thereof. Prior to the time of any business transaction, the spirit wife or husband could have sex with you either in dreams or through masturbation, and that is how the appointment would be averted. 

[ Pause to pray

1. '' Every evil spirit that has married me in order to destroy my business appointments , I divorce you now by the blood and the name of Yeshua '' repeat 7 times

2. '' Every spiritual marriage that frustrates my business , break loose in the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times  

3. It Brings Financial Loses 

If spiritual marriage can affect your business, then of course it automatically affects your finances. The spiritual wife or husband at times behaves like a spiritual prostitute, who comes and sleeps with your spirit in exchange for a financial remuneration. This means the sex was paid for in the spirit rheam with some money that is supposed to come your way. And for that matter it affects your finances in that way, this is the case with some people who have spiritual marriage.

[ Pause to pray 

1. '' Every spirit that comes to sleep with me in exchange for my money , I denounce you by the blood and the name of Yeshua '' repeat 7 times 

2. '' Every demon that gives me sex in the dream to exchange for my financial glory ,I reject you by the blood and the name of Yeshua '' repeat 7 times  

4. It May Destroy Your Marriage 

Already married person can contract a spiritual marriage, that can destroy your marriage relationship. At times the spirit husband allows you to enter into marriage after persistent prayer, only to come back after years of marriage and break down your marriage, if your prayer life becomes weak. So after marriage, one must still persist in consistent prayers to keep the marriage going. 

[ Pause to pray 

This prayer is for  married people #

1.'' Evil powers that has come to destroy my marriage via spiritual marriage , break loose and go by  the blood and the name of Yeshua '' repeat 7 times 

2. '' Anti-marital forces that has come to destroy my marriage ,through sex in dreams , break loose and go now by the blood and the name of Yeshua '' repeat 7 times  

5. It May Abort Pregnancies

 Some spiritual marriages can affect pregnancy or even cause barrenness. At times the spirit husband would come and make love to the pregnant woman in a dream afterwards the pregnancy might be destroyed. Some miscarriages in conception is caused by spiritual marriages in the life of the victim. 

[ Pause to pray 

This prayer is for women who have pregnant related issues 

1. '' Every power that sleeps with me just to destroy my pregnancy , break loose and go by the blood and the name of Yeshua . '' repeat 7 times

2.'' Every spiritual husband that brings miscarriage into my pregnancy ,I denounce you by the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times  

6. It May Give The Victim Chronic Disease 

This type of spiritual marriage gives the victim sickness in exchange for sex in the dream or masturbation. The barter trade is one of the spiritual laws that demons use against human beings. That is why spiritual marriage must be disgusting for you, especially sex in dream or masturbation. You have to vehemently oppose it by prayer. 

[ Pause to pray 

 Pause to pray 

1. '' Every demon that comes to sleep with me in dreams in order to deposit sickness into my body , I resist you by the blood and the name of Yeshua .''

2. '' Every spiritual spouse that have sex with me just to transfer chronic disease into my body , I divorce you , by the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times  

7.It May Kill One's Spouse 

Some spiritual husband or wife, could be very jealous and wicked to the extend of killing the victim's husband , wife or lover. Some demons who marry human beings in the spirit rheam could go to the far extend of killing the lover of the victim, especially when the spiritual marriage is for the purpose of power, fame or money rituals .A demon can marry someone who goes to search for ritual riches, in that case the person has mortgage his marriage for the riches. So there are some people every one they marry might die if prayer is not said to avert the situation. 

[ Pause to pray 

For the married woman 

1.'' Every spiritual husband that wants to kill my physical husband , I break your covenant by the blood and the name of Yeshua . ''

2.'' Every spiritual wife in the life of my physical husband that wants to kill me , Break loose and go by the blood and the name of Yeshua '' repeat 7 times 

This prayer is for the married man 

3.''   Every spiritual wife in my life that wants to kill my physical wife , I divorce you by the blood and the name of Yeshua '' repeat 7 times  

4. ''' Every spiritual husband in the life of my wife , that wants to kill me , break loose and go by the blood and the name of Yeshua . '' repeat 7 times .

8. It May Kill The Victim's Children 

This spiritual marriage is in fact a killer, for this type of spirit husband or wife might only decide to kill your child at infancy.

[ Pause to pray 

1.'' Every demonic spirit that wants to kill my offspring because of spiritual marriage , I dissolve that marriage by the blood and the name of Yeshua . '' repeat 7 times 

2.'' Every spirit husband or wife that kills children , You cannot kill my children , I break your covenant by the blood and the name of Yeshua '' repeat 7 times  

 9. It May Result In Giving Birth To Imbeciles 

In other times some spiritual marriages show expression by attacking the children of the victim. When that happens, the person might give birth to imbeciles, moron, a dunce, or sick children. 

[ Pause to pray

1. '' Every evil spirit that has married me , that has an assignment to make my children sick , I nullify your agenda by the  blood and the name of Yeshua '' repeat 7 times    

2. '' Every spiritual husband or wife that wants me to give birth to imbeciles , I break your covenant of marriage by the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 time

10.It May Give The Victim Infertility 

Some spiritual marriages can make the victim to be infertile. This means the spirit husband or wife already has children with the person in the rheam of the spirit. So the physical and human children that the person is supposed to have is exchanged. So barrenness or sterility becomes the person's lot, unless prayer is said to counteract it.

[ Pause to pray 

If you are yet to give birth , pray this prayer ;

1. ''  You demonic spirit that has married me in order to make me infertile , break your covenant of marriage by the blood and the name of Yeshua '' repeat 7 times 

2. '' Every spiritual husband or wife in my life , that destroys the fruit of the womb , I divorce  you by the blood and the name of Yeshua '' repeat 7 times . ]


 Some spiritual marriages could be extremely wicked, in that it can make the male victim impotent. This means the demon is so jealous to the extent it cannot share the sexual partner with anyone. 

[ Pause to pray

This prayer is for the male 

1.'' You demon of spiritual marriage that wants to make me impotent , I will break your covenant  by the blood and the name of Yeshua '' repeat 7 times 

2. '' Every spiritual wife that wants to destroy my manhood , I divorce you by the blood and the name of Yeshua '' repeat 7 times 

12. No Libido 

Other spiritual marriages can also attack the libido, so the person can loose sexual appetite. This usually happens to some married persons who have the spirit husband or wife.

[ Pause to pray 

This prayer is for married people 

1. ''  You demon of spiritual marriage that is fighting against my libido ,  break loose from my spirit by the blood and the name of Yeshua '' repeat 7 times 

2. '' Every spiritual wife or husband that has taken my sexual appetite in marriage , I divorce you by the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times  

 12. No Marriage Rites 

Some spiritual marriages may allow its victim to get and stay with a partner, but will never allow any marriage rites or bride price to be paid on their head. This means the victim could stay with a woman or a man, but will never be able to do any marriage ceremony to climax their union, although  they might have offspring. The only solution is to be careful, and pray for deliverance in the name of Jesus Christ.

[ Pause to prayer

This prayer is for those who have not done marriage ceremony before

1.'' You demon of spiritual marriage that has blocked my wedding ceremony , break by the blood and the name of Yeshua ,'' repeat 7 times

This prayer is for the Lady 

2. '' You spirit husband that is stopping my physical husband from paying the bride price on my head , I divorce you now by the blood and  the name of Yeshua '' repeat 7 times 

This prayer is for the man 

3.'' You spirit wife that is stopping me from paying the bride price of my physical wife , I divorce you now by the blood and the name of Yeshua '' repeat 7 times . '' 

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