Monday, November 14, 2022

Chapter Twenty-Three: How Evil People Transfer Other People's Money ; part One

Nowadays, we live in a world where evil pervades in so many ways, one of such diabolical ways is how evil people transfer other people's money for themselves through a ritualistic means. Money is a legal tender for the purchase of goods or payment for services rendered by a person. Money is moving from one hand to another hand, from one coffers to another, from one purse to another, from one bag to another, etc.

 As a result diabolical people have devices in the spiritual means through which they transfer the financial  glory of one person to another person in a demonic manner. Every thing physical has a spiritual point of contact, which means every thing has a spiritual being, including money. This is the more reason why satanic forces can use money that comes in contact with you as a spiritual point of contact to destroy your finances. The devil controls people's money in so many ways through other human beings who have covenanted themselves with Satan. 

These persons use ritual formula to connect to the finances of their victims spiritually, and extract, or transfer their money to themselves.

 The following are some of the ways and means those evil people can transfer the victims money for their advantage: 

 1. Giving you an evil money

 An evil money is a ritualistic note (example $100 note ) , that has being fortified with evil powers through the process of divination and incantations for the purpose of transferring people's financial destiny for another person.

 Someone who is into Occultism, witchcraft ,juju or voodoo can give a person this note on purpose, so as to transfer the financial destiny of that person for himself or herself. The evil person can give this money to the victim as gift or as payment for goods or service rendered . As soon as the money touches your hand of the person who receives it, a spiritual transfer can take place. So the next thing that happens is that the financial destiny of the victim is given over unto the person who did it. So physically, every financial remuneration that should come to the victim would be aborted, because it has already been given to the evil person in the rheam of the spirit.

Pause to pray 

1''. Anyone that gave me an evil money and used it to exchange for my financial glory , I demand a reversal through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times .

2. Any evil person that gives me demonic money to exchange for my monetary glory , break loose and go through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times 

 2.Taking money from you  

Another way the evil people can take your financial glory is when the person collects money from your hand and uses it against you. The person might be a witch, wizard or spiritualist who has snatching powers. So even if give the person one dollar ,he or she can use it to snatch your financial destiny in the rheam of the spirit. 

What happens is that the one dollar you gave might be quantified in the spiritual rheam as one billion or more of your financial destiny. That really means you will have a financial shortage, meaning you will loose money to that extent.Physically, it might come as a financial lost in one way or the other, through loss of goods or money squandered to the tune of that amount. 

Pause to pray 

1. '' Anyone that has ever collected money from me and used it as a point of contact to take my finance glory from me in the demonic world , I demand a reversal , through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times .

2. '' Any person who has been collecting money from me , and used it as a point of contact to waste my money spiritually , I disallow ,through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times .

3.Giving a Gift.

 Someone who uses such powers of spiritual transfer can give a person gift of any item for the purpose of transferring the person's monetary destiny to himself or herself. Usually gifts items that have been demonized can be given to a victim in exchange for the person's money in the spiritual rheam. Such items are usually fortified, by divination and enchantments which are said on them, before giving them to the victim.

Pause to pray 

1. Anyone that has ever given me a demonic item in order to use it as a means to destroy my financial glory , I disallow through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times 

2. ''Any person that gives me a demonic item in order to exchange for my riches , break loose and go from my money , through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times .

Chapter Twenty-Four: How Evil People Transfer Other People's Money part 2 

4.Shaking your hand 

Hand shake, is one of the prime ways an evil person can take money from someone spiritually. A person can shake your hand mysteriously, by a demonic token, just to extort money from you in the rheam of the spirit. There are some devil's agents who are in the habit of rubbing evil cream in their hands, or wearing occultic rings, or using demonic hankies. These people connect to the devilish power of transfer of money through those items and their hands, so that when they shake your hand, they take a financial virtue from you.

 This will transfer spiritually the victims money to the evil person, so that he or she would start getting the money that it  is supposed to come on the victims way. Then the victim would begin to face financial constrains, or  money loss. 

Pause to pray 

1.'' Every evil person that shook my hand , in order to take my financial glory , I disanull  through the blood and the name of Yeshua '' repeat 7 times 

2. '' Every evil power that was used to take my monetary riches , through a handshake I demand a reversal , through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times .

 5.Changing money

 Some evil people also are in the habit changing big denomination from the victims money. They would come asking you for change or bringing a bigger note to buy from you, like $100,when you change it for them ,that is how they exchange your financial glory. At times, people experience physical disappearance of their money, or the very money. 

Pause to pray 

1.Every evil power that has used physical money to exchange for my real riches ,I demand a reversal  through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times 

2. Anyone that came to change money from me for the exchange of my financial glory , I disallow through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times 

6.Making payment with demonic money 

Some do make payments with demonic money, they give an evil money for the payment of goods or services, so they can exchange for the finances of the victim. While the money is evil is because they have invoke evil on it by means of invocations for the purpose of transferring people's finances for themselves. This will result in financial losses for the victim, while the spiritual recipient begins to get money physically. 

Some years ago a woman came for counselling and showed me news papers that have been cut into pieces in the shape of notes of money. Then she explained to me how someone came to buy from her shop in Makola market, Accra, Ghana  with a cedis note,then she put that money into her coffers full of money that was already the sales of the day and the previous days. After a while another customer came to buy, so when she opened the drawer to put the money there, to her utter dismay the coffers were empty of the money, instead she saw the news papers and all her money was gone.

 I remember another man who came to show me leaves in his bag, then he also explained the same issue of money disappearance after a customer came to buy his good in the market in side his store in Accra. This man explained a similar episode, that after the customer's money was added to his previous sales money, then when the person was gone, he later saw abundle of leaves instead of the money. This is the handiwork of dwarfs, the person apparently was using dwarfs to transfer people's money for himself. 

Pause to pray 

1.''Anybody that has used demonic money to make payment to me , in order to take away my riches , I disallow  through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times .

2.'' Every power that has used demonic money to exchange for my riches , I demand a reversal , through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times  

7.Burying Your money in the sand. 

Some do take money from people's hand and they go and bury it in the sand, for the purpose of destroying the person's finances. This means the finances that should come on the way of the victim has been buried, and the worse of it all is that, the person who buried it would not benefit from the finances of the person. This type of ritual does not transfer the money to another person, but rather it blocks all financial benefits that should come in the victim's life.

Pause to pray 

1. '' Every evil person  that has taken money from my hand and buried it physically in the sand , to block my financial glory , I disanull the effect  , through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times . 

2. '' Anywhere they buried my money in the physical or spiritual , let it be uprooted by fire by force , through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times .

 8.Taking your money to the witch doctor 

Another way the evil people transfer a person's money is to take the person's money to the witch doctor for ritual purposes. When rituals are performed with the money from the victim's hand, they can cast a spell upon the finances thereof. The witch doctor or spiritualist will usually invoke ill-luck on the victim's financial life by incantations and sacrifices. After which the victim's monetary destiny would be transferred unto the recipient.

Pause to pray 

1. '' Every person that has taken money from my hand to the witch doctor for rituals against my finances, I disanull through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times 

2. '' Every where they performed demonic rituals with money from my hand to fight against my financial destiny , I disallow through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times  


Chapter Twenty-Five: How Evil People Transfer 

Other People's Money part 3 

9. Beggars who collect alms 

One of the ways the evil people use to attack people's finances is by begging for alms. At times they send a person who will beg for alms from passers by on the way side. This alms are then taken to them for their ritual purposes and with that they transfer the financial glory of their victims for their advantage. 

Pause to pray 

1.'' If I have ever given alms to a beggar , and they used it to take my riches  , I demand a reversal through the blood  and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times 

2. '' If someone has collected alms from me and the money was used to exchange for my financial glory , let there be restoration in the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times .

10. Loans 

Some occultists use loans as away of transferring people's financial destiny for themselves. These will offer loan to people, but because the money is made on the purpose of targeting the financial downfall of the victim to their advantage. Whenever a person takes a loan from such a demonic source, they only run into debts and end up suffering financial lost. 

To the end the person who took the loan becomes poor, and the equatorial that was use for the loans might be confiscated by the loans company. One must be careful, when taking loans from financial institutions, since there are some of them that are occultic and use those loans as a means to transfer funds spiritually from their victims.

Pause to pray 

1.'' If I have ever taken loans from somewhere that they used it to exchange for my financial glory , I demand a reversal , through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times .

2. '' Any loan that I took that was used to transfer my riches , I demand a restoration of my riches , through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times . 

 11.Buying Food and drinks for the victims 

Some highly ritualist people can buy food or drinks for their victims to eat, and also use it as a means of transferring the person's monetary destiny for themselves.

Pause to pray 

1.'' Any demonic person that bought food , drink ,or goods for me in exchange for my financial destiny I demand a reversal , through the blood and the name of  Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times 

2. '' Any food or drink that I ever ate and it was used to exchange for my riches  , I disanull through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times 

 12.Burying a juju item in front of the victims shop 

Some evil people also bury juju items in front of the victims shop in order to attack their finances to their advantage. This is also a ritualistic way the evil people take all the financial proceeds of the shop for themselves. A demon is usually assigned to block any customer who have money to buy from the shop. In the same vein, customers are restricted from patronizing the shop, because of the juju items or amulet that is buried in front of the store. 

Now, that we have discovered the many ways the evil people transfer money from innocent people and thereby attacking their finances, we have to be careful and prayerful.   Use the following scriptures to pray about your finances, 

"23. If thou return to the Almighty, thou shalt be built up, thou shalt put away iniquity far from thy tabernacles.[24]Then shalt thou lay up gold as dust, and the gold of Ophir as the stones of the brooks.[25]Yea, the Almighty shall be thy defense, and thou shalt have plenty of silver. "

 Proverbs 22:23-25 

Pause to pray 

If you are liable pray this prayer ;

1.'' Every evil power that buried something in front of my shop to transfer my finances to their side , I disallow through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times 

2.'' Every evil person that has cast a spell  into my shop in order to transfer my riches for himself or herself , I demand a reversal through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times 

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