Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Twenty-Six: Family Alters That Destroy Members' Destiny

An Alter is a place of sacrifice to God or deity, there are godly alters and evil alters. Family Alter is built in the spiritual rheam when a family head enter into covenant relationship with a deity.

 This covenant usually involves sacrifice to the deity in exchange for something that the person is looking for from the deity. Such alters become a place of sacrifice for anything to be given to the deity. For instance, a family alter can be an idol that demands that the blood of a young guy be sacrificed for the spirit every decade. While most family alters are spiritual, only a few are physical. 

This means there are alters that are unseen, yet they demand sacrifice periodically. A physical alter is like an idol in the house, probably inside one of the rooms, that have someone who has been consulting, divining, and sacrificing to it and dedicating family members to it. It can also be a fetish priest in the family who has been sacrificing animal or human blood to a deity (spirits) or pouring libation and dedicating family members to the idol.

 There are some family alters that continue to take the sacrifice in a spiritual rheam, even long after the person who initiated the entire family is dead. 

Different Types of Alters There are different types of Family alters, depending on the source of the alter. The following are some of the different Alters:

 1.Family idol 

Family idol is the alter that is having its source from the idol, deity or spirit that some or all family members worship. Some families have idols that they all worship, and pour libation to as well as do sacrifices for. Some are referred to as family stool, especially if it is a royal family. These are idols that they usually offer sacrifices to, calling family members and dedicating the entire membership of the family to.

Pause to pray 

1.'' Every family alter that is sacrificing something of virtue in my destiny , let that family alter break through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times

2. '' Every alter of sacrifice in my mother or father's linage that has taken my glory , I demand a reversal , through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times  

 2.Witchcraft alter 

The witch craft alter is in almost every family, this is an alter controlled by the witches in the family. These witches are the satanic agents of sacrifice in the family. This witchcraft alters demands sacrifices of all kinds in the life of family members. In every family, there are witches which are representing the  family in the presence of Satan.

 This group of witches have a demonic alter that they usually use to offer sacrifices to Satan in exchange for power, or anything spiritual. Many family members have their lives and destinies offered upon the witchcraft alter, and as a result their life has become miserable. 


1 '' Every witchcraft alter in the family of my mother or father , sacrificing my glorious life , break to pieces through through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times .

2.'' OH you witchcraft alter sacrificing the good things of my life , catch fire and burn to ashes in the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times . 

3.Mama water alter

 Mama water alter is one of the alters of sacrifice that Satan uses in some families. This is an alter that has it headquarters in the marine kingdom of darkness.  Usually it demands for the sacrifice of blood or destiny of the family members in one way or the other. The ''mama water '' alter is erected when a family head goes into a covenant of sacrifice with the mermaid spirit. This covenant is usually initiated when some of the family members used to perform rituals to spirits by the sea side or river side. 

Pause to pray 

1.'' Every water spirit that has an alter in my family ,sacrificing the good things in my destiny , break to pieces , in the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times .

2.'' Oh you mermaid alter in the family of my mother or father claiming the sacrifice of my glory , I disallow in the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times . 

4. Occultic alter 

An occultic alter is the one that is established by the occultic society, when a family head is involved in the occultic practice. The occultic alter is the sacrificial demands of the occult from the person's family. The occultic powers will periodically demand for a sacrifice of anything virtue from within the family members. 


1. ''Every occultic alter in my family assigned against my destiny to sacrifice the good things of my life , let blood of Yeshua destroy that alter in the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times .

2. '' Oh you occultic alter sacrificing my wealth and riches , be destroyed by fire , by thunder , through the blood and the name of Yeshua . '' repeat 7 times .

5.Shrine alters

 Shrine alters are the sacrificial places erected by fetish priest, witch doctors and the like. These are alters inside the shrine house, where a person or family head had gone before for any spiritual assistance. Thus a covenant of sacrifice is created at the shrine, and this means at a certain season the shrine will demand sacrifices from the individual and the family thereof. If a person ever visited a shrine and took some animal or drink there as a sacrifice, the covenant of sacrifice is created. This covenant of sacrifice is the alter of the person and the bloodline thereof.

Pause to pray :

1.'' Every shrine alter fighting my destiny to destroy , let that shrine catch fire ,in the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times .

2.'' Every family shrine sacrificing the glory of my destiny , let the blood of Yeshua stop that sacrifice , in the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times . 


 Family Alters Part Two

 So visiting a shrine for once with a sacrifice, might establish a satanic covenant with the person's family up till the succeeding generations unless Christ Jesus comes into the family. 

Various Sacrifices 

One thing is that is not only human blood, that are sacrificed to the deity, because the sacrifice could take many forms. There are diverse sacrificial offerings that are offered on family alters, depending on the demand of the spirit.  The following are the various sacrifices that a family alter might demand:


 This is a sacrifice of a human being physically or spiritually on the alter. When this happens spiritually, the person that was offered might die mysteriously. Mostly, it demands the blood of young people in the family, at times pregnant women, or the unborn baby in the womb (foetus) could be used for the sacrifice. At times it might demand the blood of a group of people in the family, this is when an accident occurs and many family members die at the spot.

Pause to pray ;

1.'' Every family alter demanding my blood , I feed you with the blood of Yeshua , in the name of     Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times .

2.'' Oh you family alter using my blood for sacrifice , I scatter you by fire  by thunder , in the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times . 


Some family alters demand children as the sacrificial offering, so it could result in barrenness, because the children to be born are already offered spiritually as a sacrifice on the family alter.

Pause to pray 

1.'' Every family alter that is sacrificing my unborn children, I demand a reversal , through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times .

2.''Every  evil alter in my family or spouse family , using my children for sacrifice in the demonic alter , I disallow through the blood and the name of Yeshua . '' repeat 7 times . 

3. Money

 Some family alters do take the sacrifice of the financial glory of the family members . In this way family members might hustle and bustle for money , but to no avail , because their money has been offered on the family alter.

 So no one in that very family might be able to get money enough, unless the person is delivered. There are demons that are assigned to take the money from the family members, by way of financial crisis resulting from debts, money squandering etc.

Pause to pray

1.'' Every family alter that is sacrificing my money , I demand a reversal through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times .

2.'' Every alter in my mother or father's family that is sacrificing my riches , cash fire ,burn to ashes through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times .

4. Marriages

  Some family alters also take the marital glory of the family members, to the end most of the family members would suffer marital lost. Those who manage to get married, would end up in divorce or the spouse dies in the process of time. The young ladies coming up in the family might have children with different men outside wedlock. 

And disappointments will be the order of the day, as the men also can have children with more than one lady without actually marrying any one of them.

Pause to pray 

1.'' Every family alter that is sacrificing my marriage , I disallow through the blood and the name of  Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times .

2. '' Oh you evil alter that is fighting to take my marital glory , fall down and break to pieces , through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times .

5 Success 

The success of the individual family members could be sacrificed to the family alter. Consequently, no family member would be able to succeed in any practical endeavour. They can start something, but it would go no where. Meaning they cannot really actualize their dreams and ambitious. 

This means the family members who do not pray very well will always fail at any success venture. Even degree holders would struggle to no avail; and at the end fails in every good work. 

Pause to pray 

1.'' Every alter in the family of my father or mother ,sacrificing my success in glorious destiny , break to pieces through the blood and the name of Yeshua . '' repeat 7 times

2.''  Every evil alter in my family that is sacrificing my success in life , fall down and break to pieces , through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' 

6 . Education

 Another area of sacrifice the family alter may demand is the educational status. Whenever, the education of the individual family member is sacrificed, what happens is no family member would be able to go to school and graduate or become a degree holder. At times the forceful ones would end up contacting sickness (usually madness) or dying before graduation.

Pause to pray 

1.'' Every family alter demanding the sacrifice of my academical pursuit , I disallow through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times 

2.'' Every family alter destroying the educational success of my life and children , let that alter fall down and break to pieces '' repeat 7 times .

 7. Travelling

 It is quite amazing and extremely amusing that some family alters demand the sacrifice of journeying abroad. This means that no family member would be allowed to travel abroad for greener pastures. Any one in that family in who tries to make such a journey might end up in disappointment, repatriation, visa denial or in jail abroad. 

Pause to pray 

If you are liable pray this prayer ;

1.'' Every alter in the family of my mother or father that demands the sacrifice of my travelling abroad for greener pastures , break your covenant , in the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times .

2.'' Oh you family alter that has sacrificed the glory of my journey abroad , I demand a reversal , through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times 

8. Properties

 Some family alters demand the individual properties of the family members. This means that such family members might not be able to own any property for themselves. Anyone who tries to build a house could be frustrated with land ownership litigation and lawsuits or confiscation of goods. Or financial constrains that will stop the work half way .

They might try to build a house on their own, but might not be able to complete the project. Some thing might happen to disrupt the building process unless prayer is said to counteract the alter.

Pause to pray 

Pray this prayer if you are liable ;

1.'' Every evil alter in the family of my father or mother sacrificing my properties , I demand a reversal through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times 

2. '' Every alter in my family dispossessing  me of  my  properties , break loose and go from my life , through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times .

 Twenty-Eight: Family Alters Part Three 


Some alters demand as sacrifice the riches or the financial fortunes of the family members. Thus ,most of the family members become poor at the expense of the family alter. They can be hard working family members, but money would be hard to get. They always labour in vain, because the riches of the family members has been sacrificed on the family alter.

Pause to pray 

1.'' Every evil alter in the family of my father or mother that is assigned to sacrifice my financial destiny , break loose and go , through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times 

2. '' You evil alter in my family claiming my riches , I demand a reversal , through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times .

10.Long life

 One of the common sacrifices on the family alter is the lifespan of the family members. When a family alter demands long life as the sacrificial offering, it means all  the family members might not live long. This means the individual family members would have short live, they may die before their time. At times an age limit would be given to the family members. Such age limit will only be the lifespan limitation for most members of the family. Let's say that 50 or 60 years is given as the age limit of the family members, then almost every family member would not exceed such age restriction. Only prayer can change this decree. 

Pause to pray 

1.'' Every demonic alter in the family of my mother or father demanding the sacrifice of my long life , I Break your covenant , through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times 

2.'' You evil alter in my family that shortens the lifespan of the members , you cannot curtail my long life , I disallow your covenant in the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times   


 Health of the family members could at times be the sacrificial offering on the family alter, and that means that most family members would suffer one or two ailments till death. Most ill health conditions of such family members could include diseases, like asthma, stroke (at a particular age), bipolar disorder (a mental condition), Parkinson's disease etc. I know of a family that has problem with reading, no matter how they learn, they just can't read any inscription by themselves. They can speak good English, but cannot read.

 Their mental prowess is just incapable of reading letters. They can be good at calculus, but not in letters. Such a condition is a disease called Dyslexia. 

I know of another family that have asthma, almost every family member has the asthmatic symptoms. These are some of the demonic diseases that could be as a result of spiritual sacrifice of the individual family members' health.

 Having understood that there could be a family alter that want to impair your progress in life, all you need do is to give your life to Jesus. This implies that you erect another alter for yourself that would be used to counteract the evil family alter fighting your destiny. This alter is the alter of sacrifice for your sinful body and passion for the service of the Lord Jesus Christ, as it is stated in the following scripture: Romans 12:1 

"I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. " As you do you can now call upon the Lord Jesus Christ to break the influence of the evil family alter fighting your destiny. 

Pause to pray 

1.'' Every demonic alter in the family of my mother or father , assigned to sacrifice the family health in exchange for sickness , break loose from my body and go through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times 

2. Every family alter that wants to put sickness on me , I disallow , through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times .

Monday, November 14, 2022

Chapter Twenty-Three: How Evil People Transfer Other People's Money ; part One

Nowadays, we live in a world where evil pervades in so many ways, one of such diabolical ways is how evil people transfer other people's money for themselves through a ritualistic means. Money is a legal tender for the purchase of goods or payment for services rendered by a person. Money is moving from one hand to another hand, from one coffers to another, from one purse to another, from one bag to another, etc.

 As a result diabolical people have devices in the spiritual means through which they transfer the financial  glory of one person to another person in a demonic manner. Every thing physical has a spiritual point of contact, which means every thing has a spiritual being, including money. This is the more reason why satanic forces can use money that comes in contact with you as a spiritual point of contact to destroy your finances. The devil controls people's money in so many ways through other human beings who have covenanted themselves with Satan. 

These persons use ritual formula to connect to the finances of their victims spiritually, and extract, or transfer their money to themselves.

 The following are some of the ways and means those evil people can transfer the victims money for their advantage: 

 1. Giving you an evil money

 An evil money is a ritualistic note (example $100 note ) , that has being fortified with evil powers through the process of divination and incantations for the purpose of transferring people's financial destiny for another person.

 Someone who is into Occultism, witchcraft ,juju or voodoo can give a person this note on purpose, so as to transfer the financial destiny of that person for himself or herself. The evil person can give this money to the victim as gift or as payment for goods or service rendered . As soon as the money touches your hand of the person who receives it, a spiritual transfer can take place. So the next thing that happens is that the financial destiny of the victim is given over unto the person who did it. So physically, every financial remuneration that should come to the victim would be aborted, because it has already been given to the evil person in the rheam of the spirit.

Pause to pray 

1''. Anyone that gave me an evil money and used it to exchange for my financial glory , I demand a reversal through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times .

2. Any evil person that gives me demonic money to exchange for my monetary glory , break loose and go through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times 

 2.Taking money from you  

Another way the evil people can take your financial glory is when the person collects money from your hand and uses it against you. The person might be a witch, wizard or spiritualist who has snatching powers. So even if give the person one dollar ,he or she can use it to snatch your financial destiny in the rheam of the spirit. 

What happens is that the one dollar you gave might be quantified in the spiritual rheam as one billion or more of your financial destiny. That really means you will have a financial shortage, meaning you will loose money to that extent.Physically, it might come as a financial lost in one way or the other, through loss of goods or money squandered to the tune of that amount. 

Pause to pray 

1. '' Anyone that has ever collected money from me and used it as a point of contact to take my finance glory from me in the demonic world , I demand a reversal , through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times .

2. '' Any person who has been collecting money from me , and used it as a point of contact to waste my money spiritually , I disallow ,through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times .

3.Giving a Gift.

 Someone who uses such powers of spiritual transfer can give a person gift of any item for the purpose of transferring the person's monetary destiny to himself or herself. Usually gifts items that have been demonized can be given to a victim in exchange for the person's money in the spiritual rheam. Such items are usually fortified, by divination and enchantments which are said on them, before giving them to the victim.

Pause to pray 

1. Anyone that has ever given me a demonic item in order to use it as a means to destroy my financial glory , I disallow through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times 

2. ''Any person that gives me a demonic item in order to exchange for my riches , break loose and go from my money , through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times .

Chapter Twenty-Four: How Evil People Transfer Other People's Money part 2 

4.Shaking your hand 

Hand shake, is one of the prime ways an evil person can take money from someone spiritually. A person can shake your hand mysteriously, by a demonic token, just to extort money from you in the rheam of the spirit. There are some devil's agents who are in the habit of rubbing evil cream in their hands, or wearing occultic rings, or using demonic hankies. These people connect to the devilish power of transfer of money through those items and their hands, so that when they shake your hand, they take a financial virtue from you.

 This will transfer spiritually the victims money to the evil person, so that he or she would start getting the money that it  is supposed to come on the victims way. Then the victim would begin to face financial constrains, or  money loss. 

Pause to pray 

1.'' Every evil person that shook my hand , in order to take my financial glory , I disanull  through the blood and the name of Yeshua '' repeat 7 times 

2. '' Every evil power that was used to take my monetary riches , through a handshake I demand a reversal , through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times .

 5.Changing money

 Some evil people also are in the habit changing big denomination from the victims money. They would come asking you for change or bringing a bigger note to buy from you, like $100,when you change it for them ,that is how they exchange your financial glory. At times, people experience physical disappearance of their money, or the very money. 

Pause to pray 

1.Every evil power that has used physical money to exchange for my real riches ,I demand a reversal  through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times 

2. Anyone that came to change money from me for the exchange of my financial glory , I disallow through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times 

6.Making payment with demonic money 

Some do make payments with demonic money, they give an evil money for the payment of goods or services, so they can exchange for the finances of the victim. While the money is evil is because they have invoke evil on it by means of invocations for the purpose of transferring people's finances for themselves. This will result in financial losses for the victim, while the spiritual recipient begins to get money physically. 

Some years ago a woman came for counselling and showed me news papers that have been cut into pieces in the shape of notes of money. Then she explained to me how someone came to buy from her shop in Makola market, Accra, Ghana  with a cedis note,then she put that money into her coffers full of money that was already the sales of the day and the previous days. After a while another customer came to buy, so when she opened the drawer to put the money there, to her utter dismay the coffers were empty of the money, instead she saw the news papers and all her money was gone.

 I remember another man who came to show me leaves in his bag, then he also explained the same issue of money disappearance after a customer came to buy his good in the market in side his store in Accra. This man explained a similar episode, that after the customer's money was added to his previous sales money, then when the person was gone, he later saw abundle of leaves instead of the money. This is the handiwork of dwarfs, the person apparently was using dwarfs to transfer people's money for himself. 

Pause to pray 

1.''Anybody that has used demonic money to make payment to me , in order to take away my riches , I disallow  through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times .

2.'' Every power that has used demonic money to exchange for my riches , I demand a reversal , through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times  

7.Burying Your money in the sand. 

Some do take money from people's hand and they go and bury it in the sand, for the purpose of destroying the person's finances. This means the finances that should come on the way of the victim has been buried, and the worse of it all is that, the person who buried it would not benefit from the finances of the person. This type of ritual does not transfer the money to another person, but rather it blocks all financial benefits that should come in the victim's life.

Pause to pray 

1. '' Every evil person  that has taken money from my hand and buried it physically in the sand , to block my financial glory , I disanull the effect  , through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times . 

2. '' Anywhere they buried my money in the physical or spiritual , let it be uprooted by fire by force , through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times .

 8.Taking your money to the witch doctor 

Another way the evil people transfer a person's money is to take the person's money to the witch doctor for ritual purposes. When rituals are performed with the money from the victim's hand, they can cast a spell upon the finances thereof. The witch doctor or spiritualist will usually invoke ill-luck on the victim's financial life by incantations and sacrifices. After which the victim's monetary destiny would be transferred unto the recipient.

Pause to pray 

1. '' Every person that has taken money from my hand to the witch doctor for rituals against my finances, I disanull through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times 

2. '' Every where they performed demonic rituals with money from my hand to fight against my financial destiny , I disallow through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times  


Chapter Twenty-Five: How Evil People Transfer 

Other People's Money part 3 

9. Beggars who collect alms 

One of the ways the evil people use to attack people's finances is by begging for alms. At times they send a person who will beg for alms from passers by on the way side. This alms are then taken to them for their ritual purposes and with that they transfer the financial glory of their victims for their advantage. 

Pause to pray 

1.'' If I have ever given alms to a beggar , and they used it to take my riches  , I demand a reversal through the blood  and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times 

2. '' If someone has collected alms from me and the money was used to exchange for my financial glory , let there be restoration in the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times .

10. Loans 

Some occultists use loans as away of transferring people's financial destiny for themselves. These will offer loan to people, but because the money is made on the purpose of targeting the financial downfall of the victim to their advantage. Whenever a person takes a loan from such a demonic source, they only run into debts and end up suffering financial lost. 

To the end the person who took the loan becomes poor, and the equatorial that was use for the loans might be confiscated by the loans company. One must be careful, when taking loans from financial institutions, since there are some of them that are occultic and use those loans as a means to transfer funds spiritually from their victims.

Pause to pray 

1.'' If I have ever taken loans from somewhere that they used it to exchange for my financial glory , I demand a reversal , through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times .

2. '' Any loan that I took that was used to transfer my riches , I demand a restoration of my riches , through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times . 

 11.Buying Food and drinks for the victims 

Some highly ritualist people can buy food or drinks for their victims to eat, and also use it as a means of transferring the person's monetary destiny for themselves.

Pause to pray 

1.'' Any demonic person that bought food , drink ,or goods for me in exchange for my financial destiny I demand a reversal , through the blood and the name of  Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times 

2. '' Any food or drink that I ever ate and it was used to exchange for my riches  , I disanull through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times 

 12.Burying a juju item in front of the victims shop 

Some evil people also bury juju items in front of the victims shop in order to attack their finances to their advantage. This is also a ritualistic way the evil people take all the financial proceeds of the shop for themselves. A demon is usually assigned to block any customer who have money to buy from the shop. In the same vein, customers are restricted from patronizing the shop, because of the juju items or amulet that is buried in front of the store. 

Now, that we have discovered the many ways the evil people transfer money from innocent people and thereby attacking their finances, we have to be careful and prayerful.   Use the following scriptures to pray about your finances, 

"23. If thou return to the Almighty, thou shalt be built up, thou shalt put away iniquity far from thy tabernacles.[24]Then shalt thou lay up gold as dust, and the gold of Ophir as the stones of the brooks.[25]Yea, the Almighty shall be thy defense, and thou shalt have plenty of silver. "

 Proverbs 22:23-25 

Pause to pray 

If you are liable pray this prayer ;

1.'' Every evil power that buried something in front of my shop to transfer my finances to their side , I disallow through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times 

2.'' Every evil person that has cast a spell  into my shop in order to transfer my riches for himself or herself , I demand a reversal through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times 

Saturday, November 12, 2022

Chapter Twenty: How People Attract Curses Into Their Lives

 Chapter Twenty: How People Attract Curses Into Their Lives

 There are somethings people do, that do attract curses into their lives. A curse is an evil attachment to a person's destiny that causes evil things to happen to the person. A curse may attract things like misfortune, hard luck, disappointments, sickness, poverty, untimely death (premature death ) etc. Curses are infectious like a disease, in that it affect the people and things around the accursed person. A curse is transferable like blessing, it can be transferred from one generation to another, from mother to daughter, father to son, grandparents to grandchildren etc, However, there are somethings that people do, that bring consequences in the form of curses. The following are the things that may attract a curse into a person life and family thereof :

1.Shedding innocent blood

 It is important that we don’t shed the blood of innocent people, because it has a potency to attract a generational curse in the perpetrators. This means the curse incurred from this murderous acts will go a long way to affect the unborn generation of people.

 We found a typical example in the Holy Bible, when king Saul slew the innocent Gibeonites. As a result it brought a curse upon the land of Isreal in that there was three years of famine in the land, even long after King Saul died.

 King David who succeeded him had to make things right in order to reverse the curse. 

"[1] Then there was a famine in the days of David three years, year after year ; and David enquired of the LORD. And the LORD answered, It is for Saul, and for his bloody house, because he slew the Gibeonites. 

[2]And the king called the Gibeonites, and said unto them;(now the Gibeonites were not of the children of Israel, but of the remnant of the Amorites; and the children of Israel had sworn unto them: and Saul sought to slay them in his zeal to the children of Israel and Judah. )

 [3]Wherefore David said unto the Gibeonites, What shall I do for you?and where with shall I make the atonement, that ye may bless the inheritance of the LORD?

[6] Let seven men of his sons be delivered unto us, and we will hang them up unto the LORD in Gibeah of Saul, whom the LORD did choose. And the king said, I will give them. " 2 Samuel 21:1-3,6 

{ Pause to pray 

# Every generational curse that follows me because my ancestors shed innocent blood , oh Lord my God let that curse break through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times .

# Any innocent blood that was shed in the past ,through me or by any family member , that has brought a curse into my , I turn it into blessing , through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat times } repeat 7 times


is one of the spiritually legal means a curse can rest upon the lady and the guy responsible for it. When you kill an innocent soul who is coming into the world, because you think that he or she is unwanted, it is not just a physical crime, but it also a spiritual offence. This is because it involves the shedding of blood, and as such it is punishable by a curse, which may be in the form of barrenness for the lady or stagnation in life for the guy.

 Most at times the souls of those aborted children would be crying out for vengeance in the rheam of the spirit. Since, it is blood it has a voice like the one of Abel.

 '' [8] And Cain talked with Abel his brother: and it came to pass, when they were in the field, that Cain rose up against Abel his brother, and slew him. 

[9] And the LORD said unto Cain, Where is Abel thy brother ?And he said, I know not : Am I my brother's keeper ? 

 [10] And he said, What hast thou done ?the voice of thy brother's blood crieth unto me from the ground.

[11]And now art thou cursed from the earth, which hath opened her mouth to receive thy brother's blood from thy hand;

 [12] When thou tillest the ground, it shall not henceforth yield unto thee her strength; a fugitive and a vagabond shalt thou be in the earth.

[13] And Cain said unto the LORD, My punishment is greater than I can bear. "  Genesis 4:8-14

{ Pause to pray 

# Every abortion that I am responsible for that has brought a curse in my life , let the curse break , through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times .

# Every abortion that I have ever forced to be done , that has become a curse in my life , let that curse break loose from now, through the blood and the name of Yeshua  '' 

Chapter Twenty- One: 

How People Attract Curses Into Their Lives Part Two 

3.Abandonment of a lady after impregnating her

 Whenever, a man abandons a lady after impregnating her, there is dare consequence this is because of the pain the woman will go through during the conception and even after delivery of the child. This is what may incur a curse upon the man who refused to take responsibility for the child or children in question. Men who abandon their wives and children without taking care of their Offspring are liable to be cursed.

{ Pause to pray

If  You are liable pray this way ;

1. '' Oh lord my God forgive my negligence of a pregnancy that am guilty of and break every curse in my life through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times 

2. '' Lord my God forgive me for abandoning a child that am responsible for through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times 


 4.Insulting The elderly.

 The young guys who insult and abuse the elderly people are also susceptible to get a curse, even without the elderly person pronouncing it to the person. As much as possible the young people should desist from Insulting and disrespecting the elderly people in their sphere of contact. When you unintentionally have a quarrel with the elder person try to avoid using abusive words on him or her. 

Pause to pray ,

If you  are liable pray like this 

1. '' Lord forgive me for insulting an elderly person , turn any curse into blessing , through the blood and the name of Yeshua . '' repeat 7 times 

2.'' Any elderly person that have placed a curse on me because I insulted him or her , oh Lord my God , break that curse through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times .

5. Sleeping With someone's wife 

Sleeping with your neighbour's wife is one of the grievous sins that brings curses into the live of those who habitually sleep with other men's wives. This is a sin, that is automatically cursed by God, if the grace of God does not deliver a soul from achieving that, he would eventually fall prey to . Like those young guys, who are in the habit of sleeping with somebody's wife in the name of a sugar-mummy. And those who sleep with married women, whom they know to be their old girl friends.

 All these acts of sexual perversion is adultery of the first degree, that is punishable by a curse. Sleeping with somebody's wife is a hideous sin and is capable of destroying one's destiny through a curse. "So he that goeth into his neighbour's wife; whosoever toucheth her shall not be innocent.

[32] But whoso committeth adultery with a woman lacketh understanding: he that doeth it destroyeth his own soul." Proverbs 6:29,32

Pause to pray 

Pray this prayer if you are liable ;

1. '' Oh Lord my God , forgive me for sleeping with someone's wife , and break any curse thereof , through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times . 

2. '' As I receive forgiveness for my sins , I renounce any curse that follows me because I committed adultery through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times 


 Theft is one of the capital offence in the spiritual rheam, that is punishable by a curse. Whether the person pronounce the curse or not, it will automatically attract a curse into the person's life. Most at times, the evil, omen or, calamity that should have come on the owner might be transferred unto the thief.

 So Stealing from someone is a spiritual curse in itself, what I mean is that some people are already cursed, So stealing from them is like taking their curse or evil upon your life. Anything stolen is an accursed thing, so anyone who uses the stolen item or the booty is also liable to be affected by the curse. So be careful when buying goods suspected to be stolen booty.

Pause to pray 

1.'' If I ever stole something that brought a curse into my life ,oh Lord forgive me and  break that curse, through the blood and the name of Yeshua . '' repeat 7 times  

2. '' If I have stolen anything from anyone , that has brought a curse into my destiny , Oh Lord my God I receive forgiveness from you , I renounce that curse through the blood and the name of Yeshua . '' repeat 7 times .

7.Lying against people ( false witness ) 

Lying against people is one of the know causes of curses. Being a false witness against someone might Incur the wrath of God and ultimately a curse. Some people are in prison because of false witness or lies fabricated against them. Their pains, tears, and cries to God for vengeance alone can invoke a curse against those perpetrators.

Pause to pray ,

If you are liable pray this prayer 

1. '' If I ever spoke lies against anybody that has brought a curse into my life , oh lord forgive me , and break that curse through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times . 

2. '' Any curse that is working against my life because I lied against someone ,as I receive forgiveness from God , I renounce it  through the blood and the name of Yeshua . '' repeat 7 times

 8.Making mockery of sick people

 At times, when you laugh at someone who is physically challenged, or sick you might attract a curse into your life. Also when you treat them abusively, by pushing them to fall, or using their sickness to abuse them or calling them names due to their ailments, you can be cursed. 

Pause to pray 

1. '' If I ever mocked or maltreated the sick , and it has brought a curse into my life ,Oh Lord my God forgive me and break that curse through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times

2. ''Any curse operating in my life , because of the way I treated a sick person in the past , as I receive forgiveness from God , let that curse turn into blessing , through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times .

9.Disobedience To Parents,

 Children who disobey their parents can also be cursed, by the law of obedience. Your mother or father is somebody you must treat with the uttermost honour and obedience. Jesus told us about respecting our parents in the Holy Bible; 

1''Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. 2“Honor your father and mother,” which is the first commandment with promise: 3“that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth.” Ephesians 6:1-3

Pause to pray 

1." Every curse that is following me because I disobeyed my parents , oh Lord forgive me and turn  the curse into blessing , through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times 

2. '' Oh  Lord my God , any curse that follows me because , I ever dishonoured my father or mother , forgive and turn the curse into blessing .'' repeat 7 times 

3. '' Every curse that my father or my mother pronounce on me , Oh Lord my God , turn the curse into blessing through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times . } 

10.Disrespecting people in authority 

When you always disrespect people in authority, you can be cursed, because those people in authority have the approval of God and the people. Such people must be treated with the honour that is due them as leaders .

''Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour.'' Romans 13:7

Chapter Twenty-Two: How People Attract Curses Into Their Lives Part Three 


Rapist are under a curse for sleeping with a person against their consent. Whenever, a person forces his or her way to have sex with someone without the consent of the person, it invites demons into the live of both the victim and the rapist.

 The victim have a demon of frustration attacking him or her, while the rapist has a demon of curses. This is the dare consequence of rape, that we need to be aware of. 

Pause to pray 

If you are liable pray this prayer 

1.'' Every curse that follows me because I have committed rape ,oh Lord my God , forgive me and turn the curse into  blessing .  '' repeat 7 times 

2. '' Every curse of rape that follows me , let that curse break through the blood and the name of Yeshua . '' repeat 7 times  


 Whenever, an adult has his or her way by sleeping with  a minor, it is a deceptive romance. This is because the child is not of age to discern between good or bad, or yet still doesn't even know all about the sexual act. As such the child is not even sexually mature for any form of romance, such as kissing, caressing, fondling, fingering , oral, anal or vaginal penetration. 

 An  irresponsible adult who chooses to have sex with under age children, especially those below teenage, is a pedophile and can easily attract a curse or the wrath of God.

Pause to pray 

If You are liable pray like this ,

1. Every curse that came into my life because I ever had sex with a minor , God forgive me and turn the curse into blessing , through the  blood and the name of Yeshua . '' repeat 7 times .

2. Every Pedophile spirit that has brought a curse into my life , break loose and go through the blood and the name of Yeshua . '' repeat 7 times . 

 13. Depriving A widow of her inheritance 

Any relative, or neighbour who stands to oppose the widow, by depriving her of any inheritance due to her and her children, after the husband is deceased, is liable to be cursed. When the right of widow woman has been deprived, she could suffer atrocities like confiscation of possessions the late husband left for her and the as an inheritance.

{ Pause to pray 

If You are liable pray this prayer ;

1.'' Every curse that follows me ,because I deprived a widow of rights , oh Lord forgive and break that curse through the blood and the name of Yeshua '' repeat 7 times .

2.'' Every widow that have maltreated in the pass , oh Lord my God , forgive me and break the curse through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times .

 14.Treating People unjustly 

If you are fond of treating people unjustly, it certainly won't go well with you, and you are exposing your self to a curse. There are some people that are in the habit of maltreating the underprivileged people, this act of villainy can bring evil into one's destiny, and it must be avoided at all cost.

Pause to pray 

1.'' Any curse operating in my life , because I ever treated someone unfairly , oh Lord forgive me , let the curse break in the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times .

2.'' Oh Lord forgive me for treating people unjustly , and break every curse that follows me of the curse through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times .

 15.Condemning the innocent. 

When you are presiding over a case, and you intentionally condemn the innocent, by justifying the wickedness of the wicked, it is an act of injustice. This too can attract a curse into the doer's life, so to take side in judgement and condemn an innocent person will definitely attract a curse into one's life.

Pause to pray 

If you are liable pray this prayer 

1.'' Every curse in my life because I condemned the innocent , oh Lord forgive me , and break that curse , through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times . 

2. '' Any curse a person placed on me , because I condemned him in judgement although he or she was innocent, oh Lord forgive me ,  and revoke that curse through the blood and the name of Yeshua  '' repeat 7 times .

 16. Depriving People Of their right. 

Whenever, you deprive people of their right, you are also liable to attract a curse upon your life. To deny somebody of his inheritance rights or human rights in one way or the other, is something that would attract a curse into the doer's life. 

 { Pause to pray 

If you are liable pray like this ,

1. Oh Lord my God , forgive me for depriving someone of his human right and bless me , through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times .

2. Every evil pronouncement made against me because I deprived someone the human right , I renounce that evil through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times .

17. Deceiving People. 

 Deception is also one of the ways the wicked use to destroy others and take over their goods or honour. Those who are in the habit of deceiving people can be cursed if, they do not desist from it.

 { Pause to pray 

Pray this prayer if you are liable ;

1.'' Any curse operating against my destiny because I ever deceived someone , oh Lord forgive me , and turn the curse into blessing through the blood and the name of Yeshua  .'' repeat 7 times .

2.'' Anyone that placed a curse upon me because I deceived that person , Oh Lord my God forgive me and renounce that curse , through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times . }

18. Abusing Orphans (or step children )

 When it comes to dealing with orphans, one must be very careful not to abuse them in any way, because it is an offence against God and it can attract a curse into the lives of the perpetrators.

 { Pause to pray 

If you are liable pray this prayer ;

1. '' Every  curse that is operating against my life because I ever abused an orphan , oh Lord my God , forgive me, and turn the curse into blessing , through the blood and the name of Yeshua.''  repeat 7 times 

2.'' Oh Lord forgive me for maltreating any child because is not my own child , and break every curse that is following me as a result , through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times  . }|

 19.Killing children 

Those who do wickedly to the point of shedding the blood of innocent children are bound to a curse. When you kill a child, no matter the cause and no matter what you use the corpse for, it will still bring a curse into your life.

 { Pause to pray 

Pray this prayer and fast for 3 days 6-6 pm if you are liable ;

''1. Oh Lord have mercy and forgive me for killing the innocent child , break any curse working against me because of that curse , through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times .

2. '' Oh you demon that follows me with a curse  , because I killed the innocent child , as I receive forgiveness, I break that curse through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times . }

 20.Duping People or Fraudulence 

Fraud is one of the ways some young guys of today use in getting their ill gotten money, but it goes along way to bring a curse into their lives. Most at times, those fraudsters die before their time because of curses. After having read this if you feel you are under a curse, first give your life to Jesus and use the following scripture to fast and pray for God's mercy. Psalm 51 " Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree:[14] That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith. "Galatians 3:13-14

Pause to pray 

Pray this prayer if you are liable ;

1. Oh Lord my God , forgive me for being fraudulent , and break the curse against my life , because of my Fraud , through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times 

2.'' Anyone that cursed me because I did fraud ,as I receive forgiveness from God , I  break that curse through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times 

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Chapter Nineteen: How Marine Spirits Attack People's Destinies , Part Two

The mermaid power have power of destruction over the human being in so many ways, if prayer is not said to disannul the covenant. The following are the many ways the marine spirits can destroy people's destinies. 

1.In Marriage

 The aquatic spirit has been one of the well known demons that attack people's marriage. The reason being that, it always serve as a spirit husband or wife to the individual who has a covenant with it. So in many cases the water demon might see the physical marriage as a threat to its existence in the person's life.  In some cases the spirit sees that the victim is already married, although it is a spiritual marriage. So the demon can turn off many suitors, that come your way, or break up any marriage relationship you enter into. At times the spirit allows its victims to marry just for a while, and have children, but only to curtail the marriage some how along the line. In some cases the marine demon can kill the spouse of the victim, because of spiritual rivalry. 

{ Pause to pray 

# '' Every power from the water spirit that is fighting against my marriage break loose and go  by the blood and name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times 

# '' Oh you marine spirit interfering with my marriage , I disallow by the blood and the name of Yeshua '' Repeat 7 times  }

2. Finances

 In as much as in the rheam of the spirit, barter trade is possible, the water spirit husband or wife can exchange sex in dreams for your monetary destiny. This means the spirit will block any financial blessing that is coming your way. A covenant with a marine spirit can invite into one's life a demon who could be taxing the victim spiritually. Thereby, affecting the finances thereof, unless the covenant is nullified. 

 {Pause to pray 

# '' Every water spirit that comes to sleep with me in order to take over my financial glory , break loose by the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times 

# Every spirit from the marine world that has taken my money from me , I demand a reversal by the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times } 

3. Prostitution

 One of the chief missions of the water spirit in a lady's life is to make her a harlot, so that the destiny of the person is ruined to the advantage of the kingdom of darkness. Prostitution is one of the office of the marine kingdom in the world. So many ladies have fallen victim to the dark world of the queen of the coast, who specialises in using beautiful young girls to perform it evil enterprise of harlotry.

{ Pause to pray 

# '' Every spirit of prostitution that has a covenant with me , break by the blood and  the name of Yeshua '' repeat 7 times 

# '' You demon of harlotry that has taken my blessing , break loose and go by the blood and the name of Yeshua '' repeat 7 times }

 4. Womanizing

 Womanizing is the assignment of the water spirit in the life of so many men. This '' maame water '' demon has turned many young guys into sexual perverts. Consequently, they end up having children with different ladies, unable to settle down in any marriage relationship.

{ Pause to pray 

#    This prayer is For the male

'' Every demon from the water world , that wants to make me a womanizer , I disconnect from you through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times . 

'' Every water spirit that has a covenant with with me to destroy my marital life , I break your covenant by the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times .  }

 5. Homosexuality and lesbianism. 

Marine spirit can also make a person to become a Lesbian, or homosexual. The evil spirit from the water can give a person an inordinate affection for the same sex or gender. This is how a person usually becomes sexually attracted to the same gender. For instance when a feminine demon from the mermaid powers comes to take possession of a male body, that person will be begin to feel feminine ( feeling like he is a woman, even dressing like one). In the same way, when a masculine demon from the water enters a female, she would begin to feel masculine ( feeling like she is a man, even dressing like one ). This is why a person could say, he or she is in the wrong body. 

 { Pause to pray 

    This prayer is the for the male 

# '' Every spirit from the marine kingdom that has entered me ,to use me as a homosexual , come out and go , through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times  

# '' Every feminine spirit from the water spirit that has entered me to give me the wrong sexual feelings , break loose and go by the blood and the name of Yeshua . ''  repeat 7 times .

This prayer is for the female 

# '' Every water spirit that wants to make me a lesbian , break loose from my spirit through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times .

# '' You demon of lesbianism from the water world , that has entered me to use me as a lesbian , I disconnect from you , through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times }

6. Transgender

 As I have explained, the masculine demon from the water, possesses a female and makes her feel like she is a man. Wearing men's attire, having her cut as if she is a male. This is when the possessed lady would say something like " I am in the wrong body ". Thus, affirming her demonic feeling to assume that, she ought be a man, but she mistakenly appeared in a female body. This feeling equally happens to the male who feels feminine, he assumes she is a woman in mind and heart, because of the mermaid demon that has possessed him. Such type of man prefer to wear woman dress to men, because of the water demon that possess his intellect. This is in fact the main cause of transgender, also known as gender switch. The queen of the coast has possessed and destroyed many gender status of people, by surgery of gender switch. So now they have a person they called a transgender man or woman. This means the person is made man or woman by this process of transgender.

{ Pause to pray 

This prayer is For the male 

# ''Every demon from the water world that has entered me to give me a feminine feelings , come out and go , by the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times .

# '' Any water spirit assigned to change  my gender status , from man to woman , break loose and go through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times .}

This prayer is for the female 

# Every spirit from the water world that wants me to feel masculine , break loose and go , by the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times 

# You water spirit that wants to change me from being a woman to man , break loose from my spirit through the blood and the name of Yeshua '' repeat 7 times .}   

7. Sickness

 Marine demon also gives its victims sickness, as other devilish demons do. Most at times, the sickness is given to serve as punishment for breaking some spiritual rule, or a curse imposed on the individual because he or she is using marine powers in one way or the other.

'' Pause to pray 

# Every water demon that brings sickness into my life , I disannull by the blood and the name of Yeshua .  '' Repeat 7 times 

# ''You water spirit assigned to afflict my body with sickness , break loose and go by the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times }

 8. Sick Offspring

 There are some cases when the victims children will be given diseases from the water world, like lunatic, imbecile, stammerer, epilepsy, a dunce, invalid kids who cannot walk, nor do anything for themselves nor by themselves. The '' maame water '' demon can show its covenant expression through one's offspring. This happens mostly when there is a spiritual exchange, what is also referred to as the barter trade. The exchange could take so many forms like power, riches fame etc. Thus, the person gets what he or she wants from the mermaid powers, in exchange of the health of the Offspring.

{ Pause to pray

# Every marine covenant that wants to bring sickness to my offspring . I break that covenant through the blood and the name of Yeshua . '' repeat 7 times 

# Every water demon that is attacking the health of my children , break loose and go by the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times  }

9. Barrenness The ''maame water '' spirit can either hold hostage the womb of its victims or someone who is in covenant relationship with the water spirit has mortgaged someone's womb to water demons. In this way the mermaid devilish spirits can attack the womb making sure the person will not be able bear children, unless prayer is said for God to intervene.

{ Pause to pray 

# You mermaid demon causing barrenness in my life break loose and go by the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times 

# Every water spirit that has taken away my children into the water world , I demand a reversal , by the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times . }

10. Mind control

 The water spirits is also an expect in controlling its victim's mind, in such away that the person cannot really think right or think for himself or herself. Instead, such a person will only make decisions based on what the evil spirit from the water will instill into his mind. Thus, marine agents can cast a spell of mind control into someone's life, thereby controlling the person like a zombie. Some ladies used these mind control demons from the sea to control the husbands of other women to their advantage.

 { Pause to pray 

# Every water demon that is assigned to control my mind and destiny , break loose and go through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times .

# '' Every mind control spirit from the water world , that controls my mind against the word of God , I disallow through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times }

 11. Impotence 

The water demon has the power to destroy the sexual potency of its victims. The person might be sexually weak or unable to discharge his marital duty to the wife. 

{ Pause to pray 

This prayer is For the male 

# Every demon from the water that wants me to be impotent , I disallow by the blood and the name of Yeshua '' repeat 7 times 

# Every mermaid demon that wants to destroy my sexual performance in my marriage break loose and go by the blood and name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times .

# Every water demon holding my manhood hostage , I demand a reversal through the blood and the name of Yeshua '' repeat 7 times . }

12 .Killing People 

Marine Demons can kill people for ritual purposes, through some means such as, accidents, or sickness and the like.

{ Pause to pray 

# Every demonic spirit from the water ,that has an assignment to kill me before my time , break loose and go by the blood and the name of Yeshua " repeat 7 times 

# Every spirit of death from the water that has an assignment to shorten my lifespan , I disallow through the blood and the name of Yeshua .''repeat 7 times }

 13.Sexual perversion 

Marine spirits are specialists in the area of sexual perversion. They are the devilish spirits responsible for most sexual sins that people commit, such as rape, pedophilia, incest, adultery, fornication etc. 

{ Pause to pray 

# Every water demon that wants to use me to indulge in sexual perversion , I reject you through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times .

# You demon of sexual perversion from the water world , assigned to lure me into fornication , I disallow through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times .  


 Marine demons can marry a person to the extent, they practice masturbation. This happens when the evil spirit from the water is sleeping with the victim. The demon will produce such a strong sexual desire to the extent the person begins to have feelings of ejaculation . This  can continue until the person practice masturbation in order to discharge the semen. When semen is discharged, a covenant is created or renewed in the rheam of the spirit, and  the water demon will use it as a point of contact to operate against the victim.

Pause to pray 

# Every demon of the mermaid spirit that wants me to be practicing masturbation , break loose and go ,through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times .

# You demon of masturbation from the water world attacking my body with lust , break loose and go through the blood and the name of Yeshua. '' repeat 7 times  

 We have a responsibility to pray and over these evil spirits through the name and the blood of Jesus. 1 John 5: 4-6 '' 

''[4] For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.

 [5]Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God ?[6]This is he that came by water and blood, even Jesus Christ; not by water only, but by water and blood. And it is the Spirit that beareth witness, because the Spirit is truth. "

 If you feel you have been contaminated by a marine spirit. Give your life to Jesus Christ now, and pray for deliverance in the name of Jesus Christ.


Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Chapter Eighteen: How "Maame Water" Destroy People's Destinies

Chapter Eighteen: How "Maame Water" Destroy People's Destinies

The water spirits also known as marine spirit, with their leader " Maame water " or the queen of coast is a group of demons who have the water as their spiritual habitat. These forces of Satan are well known for their a aquatic lifestyle and operations. These are the fallen angels of Satan who decided to settle in water as their dwelling place and for that matter the water became their office of operation. 

The marine spirit as a subsidiary kingdom of Satan, and as such, they have their the leader who is called the "queen of the coast ." The nature of these evil spirits is that, they are water friendly spirits, who operate using the water as their base. From where, they launch their attacks on people and destroy lives of their victims. The "maame water " as the name implies is a female spirit and is a fish in spiritual nature, as all demons have their particular animal nature. 

For instance, Jesus talks about, snakes and scorpions as the powers of the devil in the Holy Bible. "Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you. " Luke 10 : 19 In another scripture Satan was said to be a dragon and a snake,  "And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him." Revelation 12 : 9 

So demons take the form of animals in the rheam of the spirit, and all mermaid spirits take the form of fish, crocodile, and any other aquatic animal. How They Come into Human life Mermaid spirits come into the life of the human through a covenant of initiation established through various contact, such as sex, performing rituals by the river, sea or merely using water to perform certain rituals as specified, by a spiritualist. The following are a number of ways in which the mermaid spirit can have a covenant relationship with a person.

 1.Ceremonial washing by the river side In some cultures, when performing liberty rites of their teenagers, they bath those girls at the river, after making some invocations. With this ceremony, a water spirit can easily marry someone, by covenant of initiation.

 2. Being bath inside the river or sea, by a spiritualist Many at times when one visits a fetish priest, or a witch doctor he might be told to take a bath inside the river, a pool of water or sea. This is when the covenant of the water spirit will be initiated. Most at times it is the spiritualist that may bath the person inside the water after making some divination to invoke the water demons. 

3 .Performing Rituals By the River side.

 Some also may not necessarily bath inside the river or sea, but just to perform rituals on the sea shore like, pouring libation, making sacrifice and pouring the animal blood into the water. These kind of rituals may invoke demons from the water to have a covenant of destruction with the person. 

4.Having sex with a "maame water "agent Some water covenants are initiated when the victim sleeps with any one that presumably is an agent of the mermaid powers. Some of these types of people are prostitute, and sexual perverts, a prostitute you are meeting for the first time, might be an agent of darkness. 

5.Using items made from the under world of the sea. When a person uses products believed to be made in the under world of the sea, such a person might get a "maame water" demons in his life. There are some physical products that human beings use on their body that is believed to be made inside the sea. It is also a well known fact that, some products like cosmetics, women hair, fashionable dresses are made in these a world. So if a person uses any of these products, he or she is bound to get a marine spirit covenant in his or her life. 

6.By visiting a witch doctor who uses the water spirit. One of the ways a person gets in contact with those water demons is a regular visit to witch doctors or spiritualist who uses marine spirits. The witch doctor can initiate your spirit into covenant with those waters, by ritual means, such as giving some concoction made from the river or water, either to bath with or for drinking in a ritualistic purpose. 

7.Family Covenant Marine demons like any satanic spirit also comes into a person, as a covenant through one's family. If the family had been dedicated to the water spirit in the ways as mentioned above, the covenant is transferred to the succeeding generation. This means what the family contacted the "maame water "spirit to do in the life of the family members can be transferred to the next generations in the bloodline covenant.

[ Pause to pray 

1.'' Every marine spirit that has a covenant with me , I break your covenant through the blood and the name Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times .

2. '' Any product from the marine kingdom that has come in contact with my body to establish a covenant with the water spirit , break your covenant , through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times .

3. '' Oh you water spirit that married me , I divorce you now , by the blood and the name of Yeshua '' repeat 7 times  

4. Every queen of the coast that has captured my glorious destiny , I command you to release it to me now , by the blood and the name of Yeshua '' repeat 7 times 

5. Every water spirit that married me because I took my bath in the sea or river , I divorce you now , by the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times . 

6. '' Every water demon that has covenant with me through my family bloodline , I denounce you now , in the blood and the name of Yeshua '' repeat 7 times .

7. '' In any way my destiny has been dedicated to the water spirit , I disallow , in the blood and the name of Yeshua '' repeat 7 times .

8. '' Any form of initiation to the water spirit , with my spirit , let that covenant of initiation break loose from my spirit now , by the  blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times .

Chapter Seventeen: Pillars of Money Part Three

 Chapter Seventeen:  Pillars of Money Part Three

 Continual Prayer

 The last but not the least, is continual  prayer to God for his blessings upon your life. Prayer plays a vital role in our finances, because there are a lot of things that fight against our finances. There are demons that attack finances of people who are hardworking, to the extend they labour in vain. They invest in a business, only for the goods to be attacked in one way or other.

The forces of darkness can actually hinder  your financial progress, so that you end up working like a donkey, but have nothing to show for your hard work, Evil customers can use demonic money to buy your goods and thereby attacking finances and taking the monetary value of your business. This means the money it could be squandered on an unnecessary expenditure. It is only prayer that conquers the evil spirits that attack your finances. 

Financial lost can come at anytime to your business, when demons attack you, goods can be lost or stolen, or get burnt as a result of spiritual attack on your finances. Therefore your continual prayer to God will ensure your spiritual safety and defense of your finances. You need to make time to pray as you make time for business, let prayer be in your timetable. The mistake a lot of business men and women do is to be busy pursuing money, to the extend they hardly have time for prayer.

This is a grave mistake to your financial life, is like building a storey building, without pillars, it will only collapse one day. Therefore resort to prayers as an important financial pillar for business life, and bear in mind that it is only God that gives you true riches as the Holy Bible says,

 "Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not high minded, nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who giveth us richly all things to enjoy; " 1 Timothy 6 :17

 "Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching there unto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints; "Ephesians 6:18

 "Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God." Philippians 4 : 6

[ Pause to pray 

1. '' Every demon that brings financial lost into my business, break loose by the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times 

2.'' Every devourer eating my money in the spiritual world , I arrest you , by the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times 

3.'' Every evil person that gives me demonic money , in order to destroy my finances let the fire of God consume your hands by the blood and the name of Yeshua . '' repeat 7 times

4. '' Oh Lord my God be my financial defense , through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times  

5.'' Every power that has taken the monetary value of my business , I demand a reversal , through the blood and the name of Yeshua '' repeat 7 times .

Chapter Sixteen : Pillars of Money Part Two

 Pillars of Money Part Two 

The golden rule of money is always, spend some, save some and give some out. It is of prime importance that you observe this financial rule to the uttermost. 

Giving Out

 It is a spiritual principle of money that is a strong pillar of your finances. Money is also meant to be given out freely to people who might be in need. Sharing is one of the principles that makes money keep coming back to us as godly children. It is a societal requirements that people should give to one another, for instance we must give to friends and relatives, we give to our workers or people who render services to us in one way or order.  

We must also give to the needy in the society including the orphans or the under privileged. Most importantly we must also give something as offerings or tithes to God or for our religious purposes. Giving is reciprocal in nature anytime we give out money we are bound to get something out of it, even the Bible confirms this; "Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give in to your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again." Luke 6:38 

There are many things we get in return for given out money, first as a spiritual principle, we get God’s blessings of more opportunities to earn money or financial remunerations. God can touch people's heart to give more money or contrast that will eventually bring money.

 It is away of laying up heavenly treasures, this in fact is the treasury bills in heaven for your eternal benefits for your soul. In the Bible the Centurion was told that his offerings and giving had come up as a memorial offering to God.  "A devout man, and one that feared God with all his house, which gave much alms to the people, and prayed to God alway. And when he looked on him, he was afraid, and said, What is it, Lord? And he said unto him, Thy prayers and thine alms are come up for a memorial before God."Acts 10:2,4 

This man attracted the blessings of God by giving alms to the poor .Giving is an integral part of financial pillar, because it also gives you more services from people to earn more money. For instance, your giving out money can hire the person to work for you to have more money.

 Most rich people have learnt this aspect of giving out in order to get the services, supports, honour, favour and followers who in turn help them in their money making ventures. Examples, politicians who give out money, end up winning the vote of their communities. Giving Out to people is also an investment in one way or the other, because mostly we get money through people we give out money. Some work for us, campaign for us, bring customers to us, recommend us, endorse us for business opportunities, defend us, become loyal to us etc.

 Avoiding Credits

 If you live in a western society where buying on credits is necessary, try not to be engulfed in the habit of crediting. Anything you buy on credits accrues interest in it that makes the price higher than normal. The credit company knows that only way they get you to buy what you are not ready for, is by crediting. So they give it on credit, but that means you will be working for the mall the days of your life. Some are in the habit of buying things in credit that they cannot afford to pay for in cash, just to impress friends and neighbours. 

That system of living makes you a slave to the manufacturers of products, they will be making more money on your hard earned money, while you are so busy changing from one product to another all in credits. As much as possible, stop buying things in credits, except for businesses purpose. In that case the thing is an asset that will also bring profit to you to be pay off the interest that you may incur and still maintain profit. For instance, you can buy a truck on credit while you use it for business and get profit on it. You can take a loan to build a house and use it for rental, the house becomes an asset that gives you more money.

[ Pause to pray

1. '' Oh Lord my God , anytime I give , let me receive blessings from you , by the blood and the name of Yeshua . '' repeat 7 times 

2. '' God of heavens bless me enough to be a giver , by the blood and the name of Yeshua . '' repeat 7 times 

3. '' Any money that I ever gave to someone that the enemy is using to attack my finances , I demand a spiritual reversal , by the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times 

4.'' Every demon that wants to spend my financial resources through credits , break loose and go by the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times  

5.'' Every power of satan that wants me to be in debts always, break your covenant and go , by the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times 

6. '' Oh Lord my God help me to use my money to build assets by the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times .

7. '' Oh Lord my God pay off all my debts by the blood and the name of  Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times 

8. '' Every spiritually inherited debts that is wasting away my money physically , I cancel by the blood and the name of Yeshua . '' repeat 7 times   

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Chapter Fifteen: The Pillars of Money part One


Chapter Fifteen: The Pillars of Money part One

Money is a key to purchasing every thing that every human being needs to survive. However, there are a lot of misconceptions about money that we need to clarify here. 

Many think that money only comes when people perform rituals, well that is only true for some people who believe in that. While others think that you can only get money by doing evil things like cheating, killing, lying, taking bribe, or doing drugs and the like. But this is far fetched, all these can only be the mannerism of those who believe in that dubious means. 

However, there are four strong financial pillars that can help establish our finances. These pillars include, earning money, saving money, giving money, and avoiding credits. Let us explore the possibility of financial sustenance through the four pillars.

 Earning Money, 

Money is something that God wants us to earn, it is important because when ever a person earns the money he or she has it is a prestigious honour, in that it show show responsible that person is. Earning money means, there are somethings a person does that accrues a pay, reward, honorarium, wages, or salary. This thing could either be, providing goods or rendering services to people, and then the person gets paid for that.

 What that means is that you are not just earning money, but you also become relevant in the eyes of those who benefit from your goods and services.  One of the ways of earning money is to earn it little by little, one day at a time. So just make sure  you are at least doing something that makes you earn a little money at a time. Do not be like those who want to earn big money at one time, otherwise you will become a dupe, crook, fraud or end up doing drug business to achieve that. 

On the one hand you will never earn anything at all, because you might not have the opportunity of making money that big at once or at a start. Making money should not bed one at once, true riches are gathered gradually, like little drops of water that turns out to be a mighty ocean. The word of God even affirms that, God's way of giving us wealth is by gathering little by little and it increases to become what the Lord has ordained. "Wealth gotten by vanity shall be diminished: but he that gathereth by labour shall increase." Proverbs 13:11 "Let him that stole steal no more: but rather let him labour, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth. " Ephesians 4:28 

 Saving Money

 Having understood that God's way of giving us money is earning it little by little, the next thing to know is gathering the money little by little, which is known in practical terms as savings. Savings and investment is one of the ways of handling money that sustains it. In fact saving is a strong pillar of money that is known and even confirmed by the doctrine of Christ about money in the Holy Bible. "Well then, you should have put my money on deposit with the bankers, so that when I returned I would have received it back with interest. "Matthew 25 : 27 

Any savings that yield interest is an investment, and Jesus used the parable to illustrate the fact that it is good to keep money at bank. More so when the money is invested wisely in buying shares or treasury bills in the financial institutions. When that happens, the money is also assigned to work for you as well. 

There are two levels of earning money,  the first level is working for the money, and the second level is when the money is made to work for you. This can only happen in savings and investment, such as fixed deposit, shares or treasury bills. It is always important that you save little money at a time, don't wait for the money to be much before you save some. Whenever you have money the first thought of course is to spend it on your needs, yes as much as that is necessary, you should always remember that saving a little is equally imperative.

[ Pause to pray 

1.'' Oh Lord my God build  financial pillars for me , through the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times 

2. '' Every power that does not want me to earn money break loose from my life by the blood and the name of  Yeshua '' repeat 7 times 

3. '' Oh you demon of labouring in vain without earning money , come out of my life and go by the blood and the name of Yeshua .''  repeat 7 times .

4. '' Oh Lord my God give me the grace to work and earn money by the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times 

5. '' Every evil force that is sitting on my earnings , no matter how I work , break loose and go by the blood and the name of Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times 

6.'' Every prodigal spirit that waste the money that I have to save , break loose and go , by the blood and the name of  Yeshua .'' repeat 7 times .   ]